Toro Tiberius

Isn’t this more of just a problem with people instead of it being uber’s problem?

This works both ways though. It reminds me of sports teams that contract out concessions to the lowest bidder and then when people get two week old hot dogs act like they are completely removed from the situation. Being an “independent contractor” shouldn’t completely remove liability from the contracting entity. 

I think the same. There is nothing more telling than the vast ‘racism’ of cabbies. A cabbie wants the fare. If he/she (through experience) determines certain people as a whole are much less likely to tip (regarding regular cab services) or be otherwise problematic... then said cabbie will drive past. This is quite a

If employees are acting in a discriminatory manner, that is definitely a problem for the company.

This is one of the basis for the independent contractor vs employee argument in court. Drivers can not claim to be employees while refusing to work.

I had an uber driver who couldn’t find my location, but refused to call or text me. So after five minutes of watching him drive around the area on my app I canceled the request. I was shocked to find that Uber charged me a 5 dollar fee for canceling 5 or 10 minutes (I forget the exact number) after ordering it. The

Definitely, the discriminatory behavior is not something that can be controlled by uber as it’s an issue stemming from a nation wide straining of racial relations in the cities. The research on the extend d drives and creepy behavior towards women has such shoddy unscientific “research” behind it I feel it may not be

It is a problem with people, but despite Uber’s best efforts to say otherwise, the actions of a person working as a driver for Uber also reflect on Uber itself.

Yes but at a real company if you refused to work with whole portions of the customer base, you would not remain employed for long.

There are two things that need to be laid at the feet of Uber and Lyft:

Some things you may not know...

Who’s mouth, yours or hers?

Truer words have never been spoken. A star and my vote for COTD, but I’m not sure I’d want to see what $kay comes up with. ; )

Must have had to dodge sniper fire on landing. Ask Hillary about that experience, it’s harrowing enough without skidding off the tarmac.

I love it! What I always thought was more insane was the RS6 with the V10. I think just because the same platform had a Turbo 4.

It only takes one.

My 1993 XJ tried to sacrifice it’s drivers side door to the Gods of Asphalt.

Pardon the quality

KA-CHOW. The sound that is made when the first catastrophic failure occurs within the first 10k miles.