Ha! :D
Ha! :D
Most hipsters that I have seen appear to be driving a car that used to belong to their parents or the cheapest hunk of junk they could find.
I definitely had a negative reaction to the headline. I can’t stand hipsters. The worst part is that they probably like when people get annoyed by them. Anyway shouldn’t a hipster car be something that is intentionally trying to be different and annoying while it is styled like an old person who randomly mixed…
Maybe, but I don’t live in an urban area. My view out the back of my house is literally a corn field. The question is why would you risk it?
Who actually does this? I can understand running your car in front of your house or something, but this is like putting up a sign saying free car. The police actually do this with bait cars. They leave them sit with the keys in the ignition or on the seat and see who takes it.
I agree with what you are saying, but I was referring to the drivers in my comment. We understand that Uber needs to figure out how to deal with this, but one of the big problems with a business model like this is all of the drivers have to be trusted to not be biased.
I understand that, but how do they determine intent in this circumstance? So if people with names that are generally associated with minorities has to wait longer because no one picked them up quickly, are we to assume that every driver that was close looked at the name and decided not to pick them up because they…
I could get behind a rwd based c
Well this is a nice surprise. Nice engine packaging too. Hopefully they cram this into everything. Would be nice as top tier engine in the next CLA.
Lol that is fantastic
I understand that this is a problem that Uber needs to deal with, but how exactly would they do it? If the drivers are avoiding picking up certain groups of people, how does Uber terminate the account of a driver without being vulnerable to some kind of lawsuit due to no evidence being produced that the driver was…
That is one of the many problems with a so called “sharing” economy. Once everyone works for themselves but gets paid by a corporate entity for their time, the personal biases will begin to show up much more easily. Having the threat of being fired for doing something wrong but not necessarily a crime is a huge…
I agree, but an example of what I was saying in actually right in the headline of the article. It says “Uber is quietly terrible for women and black people,” and implies that the company itself are the the ones who are directly at fault. Now the headline could say, “Uber is quiet about the fact that some of its…
A few years back my parents went to visit my grandmother who lives in the area. Well the weekend we chose happened to be the same week as this event. I understand that the audi/VW show is separate, but the show happened to be held at the Ocean Downs horse racing track. Well there happened to be a huge storm that came…
What is also interesting is that in my experience, most cab drivers tend to be members of a minority group just like the people they are avoiding.
They aren’t employees in a traditional sense though. I would say they are more like contractors being compensated for using their time and property.
It seems like there are a lot more companies set up like Uber, Lufthansa and others that are letting “employees” run what is almost like a their own small business. The difference is that most of the negative reaction is geared towards the “parent” company. I have always been very much in favor of placing blame on the…
Isn’t this more of just a problem with people instead of it being uber’s problem?
Wow, I didn’t know most of those things. I’m guessing that the warranty is what drives a lot of people to the brand. Although it is odd that they have lower repair costs than kia. I would have thought that since it is the same company, they would have been comparable.