Toro Tiberius

You would think that instead of adding a wide body kit they would have just originally designed the challenger to have space for tires that are an appropriate size for the power and weight. At least for the non Hellcat versions.

Wow...Reading the words, “The Macarena is the lame dance your parents would do” just made me feel so old :(

For that price, I’d be willing to take a chance and see how many more sweet open air miles it is willing give me. Once the first major issue predictably rears its ugly head; I’m sure there are a few bits on the cars that can be easy to remove and sell to a Saab fan in need. (Wheels, seats, shift knob....)

I feel like these three would be great in a show about anything. It could be something like basket weaving instead of cars and they would still be hilarious.

The only way I am able to do it smoothly while wearing shoes, is to split the brake and the throttle with my foot and just roll my ankle slighty. The allows the outside edge of my show to blip flip the throttle without causing any variations in the brakong force. If I’m barefoot, then it is a complete disaster no