
Building a PC is pretty easy. There are less than a dozen parts. It’s getting the operating system up and running like it should with all of your needed applications that is a total pain in the a$$. When building the PC I had maybe 5 confusing hurdles to get over. Getting the operating system and apps up and running

I said, that’s life (that’s life) and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks
Stompin’ on a dream
But I don’t let it, let it get me down
‘Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin’ around

Not only do not contribute to society with crap articles like this but you fill the world with your complaining which only spreads like a virus. Look at me now complaining about you complaining. What a waste of time and energy.

Violent games do not make you violent but I will admit that they will keep your fight or flight unnecessarily high for an extended period of time which may impact a persons stress levels. I’ve found that I can only play FPS about every other weekend otherwise my anxiety spikes.

Exactly. This BS isn’t going to end until the people who lived through this cold war era are gone. Unfortunately you have them running both our country and theirs. You see the same issue with racism. It’s prevalent in the older generations and the younger generations just look at these people like WTF are you

Weird.. all the work they put in an they didn’t consider cleaning those dirty ass tires before the presented it to the world.

If by 100 years old you haven’t figured out how to setup a simple asset allocation retirement plan and allow compounding to work it’s magic then yes... the extra years wouldn’t be “all” your.