
HamNo doesn’t really call for socialism...he calls for the out and out removal of those who have means so that people like him (the ones who know the right thing to do) can be in power and redistribute everything. I’m being generous by calling that socialism.

Maybe once they’re gone, they’ll rename the company to Nice Media.

You can only get out of flying your mission if you’re insane, but not wanting to fly the mission is something a sane person would want, so you automatically aren’t insane if you don’t want to fly the mission thus you must fly the mission.

I’m seeing a lot of back-and-forth (some informed, some emotional, and some just raw shit-slinging) over whether or not what Manning did was “right.”

I’d like to offer my take (because I know each and every one of you hang upon my every utterance), if I may.

For the sake of establishing perspective, I come from a

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

Richard Dawkins is a racist, bigoted fool who has done just as much to hurt science education as he’s contributed to it through his academic work. He’s a pompous idiot that routinely comments on things he knows NOTHING about, and he spreads awful Islamaphobic rhetoric.

There is no reason Kotaku should be printing

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.