Fell down seven times, got up, ate.
Fell down seven times, got up, ate.
Chase Utley is also turning baseball into football.
i hope he steps on a lego
“Can you believe we spent $1.1 million to study jellyfish mating habits? Huk huk huk”
User Name checks out.
“flyover country”
Racist jackass.
Turn it over, put some aluminum foil on it, it'll do if you run out of plates.
Kinja fucking sucks. This totally troll baiting comment is featured when it should be banished to the grey hinterlands.
I'm going to break into your house and fill it with cats. So...sorry....imagine this is your dream, but with MORE cats.
So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.
As a Rays fan, I just wanna say it’s nice he got to hit #500 at home
“Your honor, my client clearly had no choice but to escalate the situation with chewing tobacco. The video evidence clearly shows the other driver with his hand upon his hip.”
As Eddie Vedder would say "hggrrrrr hawwww urgghhhhh awwwwww!"
Whoa it’s almost like people who are not you also exist
Exactly. Nobody ever remembers that Nero was an awesome fiddler.
yeah, I never knew people watched films, had opinions, and wanted to discuss them with others. next thing you know you’re gonna tell me there are books clubs where people talk about books they’ve read. crazy shit.
Yes, but people will actually buy a Passat. I don’t know if ever seen a 200 without the rental fleet barcode on the window.
Enough with the cheating thing already. Deflating balls a half PSI, a few extra video tapes, so what? It’s not like the Patriots murdered anyone...
no one actually sleeps in that bed pictured. they sleep on top of it.
The main tip I learned while in the military was this: If it's not in writing, it doesn't exist. Did someone tell you you can/can't/don't need to do/take/have/pay something? If it's important to you, get it in writing from someone who has the authority for that. Otherwise, when the time comes you may well get, "Who…