
Jesus, this piece of shit.

And? Lets just throw out any law we dont agree with.

All a toilet needs to do is hold my piss and shitpickles. I don’t need Alexa to read to me or tell me what the weather is.  

I’d give my left nut to see Blade make a cameo in one of the Avenger films.

you’re the reason why people roll their eyes when gay issues are brought up. Gay people want to be treated the same, but then bitch when they aren’t raised on a pedestal and given special privileges.

The problem is that gay and minorities think affirmative action applies to entertainment.  

So you bitch about the homos not being represented, then call white people crackers?

Because of you don’t pander to every single group out there, you’re a racist homophobe who hates other groups.

Does it matter to the story one way or another? No? Shut the fuck up.

They didn’t miss anything. It’s not an insult if your particular group isn’t represented. If it doesn’t enhancethe story, it’s not relevant, and people like you who want it in there for the sole purpose of one group or another being able to high-five in the theater is the problem. Shut the fuck up and enjoy a movie.   

1/2 black.


It’s about 1 greedy and incompetent asshole

Then you’re an idiot. You dont bid on a $150 million contract with 0 experience.

Holy shit, Root posted something bad about a black person.

Well yea, you single out the 2 days it’s deoppee, but nothing about the year it’s soared.

So wait...is he a good guy? What do you mean, “lethal protector”? And does he have mind powers now?

who said it was racist? Maybe another black person shot him.

sounds like you’re the problem and have a chip on your shoulder.

At 1am? Trying to investigate other crimes in New Orleans. Why would they be right there ?