Did it really ever have credibility? It’s mainly black people patting themselves on the back, and then crying racism when something happens to a black person.
Did it really ever have credibility? It’s mainly black people patting themselves on the back, and then crying racism when something happens to a black person.
That’s because white people dont inmediately blame black people when something happens. You should take that as a hint
Oh NOW you want to wait on facts.
No it doesn’t. New Orleans is dangerous enough, let alone at 1am. Stop projecting and realize the truth.
Please let the shooter be black.
So you’re the annoying guy at parties and movies.
People that worry this much about a video game are worthless.
That’s sad.
Take away “blackness” from your profile. Just be a person, stop placing yourself in a special group.
Typical Democrat.
The superman one looks the same
I mean, come on...we all KNOW why...nobody wants to be the racist one and say its bad if it is...and its not even out yet...
Holy shit, could they be the same ones from the original?! HOLY SHIT
Sounds like a lot of conjecture from a liberal blog.
Yea, because Janet’s last album was when?
oh yea, I’m peeing
you’re welcome, most be a highlight for someone as angry and alone as you are
haha, you won’t do anything. And you’re too stupid to respond with what you’re pissed of about
Then you’re too stupid to understand the entire point. The point isn’t about what’s im the document . Nothing in the memo was worth classification. The point is the FBI classifitings for the sole purpose of protecting themselves and others
Economy, enforcing federal immigration law that Obama and Hillary agreed with while running then gave up, getting rid of an illegal mandate to purchase a government product, better trade deals, reducing regulations that has brought back tons of jobs, lowering corporate taxes so companies will come back for the US and…