Because they could be tracked, and the Destroyers would break off and go after them individually. It said that ALL of them could track, but only one at a time was doing it, that’s why they had to sneak on board and disable it and get back quickly.
Because they could be tracked, and the Destroyers would break off and go after them individually. It said that ALL of them could track, but only one at a time was doing it, that’s why they had to sneak on board and disable it and get back quickly.
“and that gets everywhere it’s course and irritating”
Kind of conflicted, aren’t you? On the one hand, someone who works with Trump is “quitting”. On the other hand, someone black is losing their job.
I can’t understand your article, because you write like a 15 year old. Can you try again?
You don’t think about her once a day. If you do you’re sad and pathetic.
Luke deserved a better badass ending. Not some weird hermit crap milking a sea animal and then astral projection.
And then you fucked the article with “get Finn woke”
How about you grow a sack and respond to people here?
What does treyvon have to do with cops?
Yea, because letting Santa stay as the white character he’s based on is so racist. Your kid is going to grow up to be as big of a bitch as you b
I think the Lord already took care of things when he kept Hillary out.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? That’s right, he’s white, I forgot.
What’s funny is how you’re too chicken shit to respond to people in the articles they post to, and have to write a whole new one they’re probably not going to see, just so a bunch of like-minded racists like yourself can congratulate you.
Quit treating your kid like a little prince or princess, and let them learn early that life isnt fair, and they’re not the most important special thing. Problem solved, in a lot less words.
I find it hilarious how people here are complaining that the 90k eligible voters are deciding for the whole city, but are perfectly fine with letting a few cities with the popular voter decide for the entire country during presidential elections.
That’s the same argument people make against the popular vote, letting a few major metro areas decide for the country, but somehow that’s ok...
It still came down to two...the dems only has 2 running and still couldn’t win.
The Braves left because the mayor wouldn’t approve construction and demolishing the ghetto around the stadium and relocating people so business could come in, and Cobb County said “fuck it, we’ll do it and pay half the cost “
So wait...she basically won the electoral and not the popular, and now it’s ok...?
It’s because the eligible ones that didn’t vote don’t care because the last mayor was an asshole who wasted money on a trolley and let the braves leave without putting it to he people, and the people that showed voted for her because she’s black. And we know what color they are and why they voted