
Thank god she won. Can you imagine the riots of a white person won? Thankful that you care because it’s black vs white, and it on merit.

This is exactly why we dont need the government telling shops who to do business with. The market will decide.

Try living here. People hated Reed, especially after wasting money on a trolley nobody uses, and allowing the Braves to take the team and revenue out of the city. But of course, you have to make it about race. I dare you to respond.

It’s not a double standard. Franken refuses to step down. Conyers chose to. Both should be gone, but unless charges are filed by the “victims” then legally they can’t be because they’re duly elected .

You babies have no power anymore.

No it isn’t.

Good. The majority of these countries were on the list from Obama, and just not enforced. It’s not racist to keep people out who are from terrorist producing countries. Do you see Yeoman on there? Most Muslims in the world, and they’re allowed. See how it’s not racist? Or are you all so anti-white that you’ll play

Did you automatically delete my post? Racist.

Good. If the country is on the terror list (most of these were from Obama), then shut it down. Common sense is more important than your feelings.

He would have to have his funds go directly to a company it registered in the US, dumbass.  

Pay yo bills, black man

What exactly did he write that was racist? It IS ok to be proud to be white, just like it’s ok tone proud to be black.

Hell, when a guy has to push a boulder around, he probably doesn’t have much left.

I mean, if you’re going to a spokesperson, fine. But come on. “Woke”? Use proper English.

Gusss that black city government doesn’t really care about the people. Think about that when you vote.

Seriously? Just...just fucking split the bill, or don’t let the freeloaders come with.


Settle down, Mo’nique.

Oh black people, making everything about race because of that big ol chip on your shoulder.

Let me guess, you think it’s racist...