Beth Mowins

I’m sure that this is just a coincidence that this has happened during the TRUMP presidency!

good to see the defending world champs get to meet the new president of the USA! Go Cubs Go

Nice logic. Most of the receivers/running backs are black so that must mean... racism against whites correct??

NBA has more minority coaches than other leagues mainly because it is a players league. However, the top coaches in the league tend to be white.

how is this any different from transgender people

transgender people are delusional. My heart goes out to them!

probably not since that’s not the same thing at all

Why is “oriental” considered a slight?

What makes this guy racist?

So when do you guys think some evidence will turn up that Trump colluded with the Russians?


any chance this is due to black troops misbehaving more?

the good part is no one really cares about women’s sports that much. So this will never become a large issue.

Why would Carroll say that. He isn’t a starting QB - he wasn’t in SF??

They’re losing money because of cord cutting. There is also zero doubt that ESPN has a left tilt to it.

This is the most racist website i’ve ever visited.

Pence would be a good president I think. Probably better than Trump. Definitely better than Hillary would’ve been imo.

Lol. Websites like this is why our country is so divided.

they should make a satirical show called dear black people. None of the characters would know their dads and they would be thugs. Could be kind of a fun sequel!

why is this funny