
I never, ever, ever, ever thought I’d agree with that spineless POS Kevin McCarthy, but this thing has been an obvious boondoggle since Day 1.

Or, we won’t get subways or trains in places that are not New York City because we don’t need them

So tax poor in their combustion cars to pay for a pet project that won’t be done for a decade at best and will benefit them very little. How regressively progressive.

What do you expect from a state governed by the walking haircut Gavin Newsome?

I would actually respect him immensely if he somehow managed to stuff an anemic, cobbled-together nightmare of an engine designed after hours by some of the most inept European car makers of our time into this truck. 

Both springback and crumpling problems are the result of faster work hardening in stainless steel relative to carbon steel. The crumple zone thing is just a math problem. You can certainly account for decreased plastic energy dissipation in the structural design. But if boy wonder already had a product launch before

Prediction: Uber will virtue-signal non-stop for the next 7 years about how “green and environmentally responsible they are, at which point they will then quietly sweep the “EV only” idea under the rug and move on to their next scheme. 

I understand where they’re coming from and all that, but this is pants-on-head stupid. 

I own my car purely for fun. And now I hate everyone; other drivers, other pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders...

Well it is a (new) Saturn car-free world....

Remember when a car news site was pro-car? Time to change the name to Generik my friends.

As the reply always goes, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

I don’t even like Elon Musk, but this article is “journalist brain” at its worst.

This is correct usage of the internet and car ownership in particular.

It was cross posted on jalopnik.com, which is supposedly an automotive site but is starting to feel like a bash Trump about anything site.

Is this an automotive site, or just another fucking political news site?

I never use my phone when I drive. I’m not trying to hold the wheel, my phone, and my beer; that’d be irresponsible.

Ehhh, I’m Team ‘Straya on this. Am I the only one who finds the whole “stuff a big engine in it” trick incredibly lazy? MCM built the more complete car.

Motor trend needs to be higher. People rag on it, but it's actually a well produced series. Especially Ignition with Carlos Lagos. That show gives us test data, a good run down of the car on the road, some drifting and often a track test to give us some sort of comparison. It blows every other American car