Buffy started 25 years ago

I fully support that the vision of what they wanted meant that they were targeting 30fps on consoles. That’s cool.

Separate from that, I’m also not especially interested in a 30fps action game.

Weirdly this probably is a good sign for the game, right? Another delay implies they actually care (at least a little) about if it’s good or not when it actually comes out. The vibe six months ago when the fall 2022 release date was set was that it would come out NOW regardless of the state it was in.

The thing with Blue Is The Warmest Color is that cutting the near-pornographic, and (IMHO) really pretty superfluous sex scenes down from, like 10 minutes to a more R-rated 2 or 3 minutes would have made the movie better. They are absolutely the worst part of the thing from an artistic standpoint.

It’s 10 years after 66 in the Obi Wan show. Ewan McGregor was 30-ish playing 40-ish in Revenge of the Sith. He’s now 50-ish playing 50-ish in Obi Wan.

Yeah, he’s bizarrely in the movie more than Gadget.

Further to this, the campaign even has several different balance profiles for each gun, which can be picked up from high-value targets.

No, it’s mostly a pyramid scheme, but crypto (and to a lesser extent NFTs) do have a real economic function: they are good for laundering money and purchasing illegal services. People really undersell how much that real economic function stabilizes the crypto market.

I think it’s being undersold that this is the same team that made Splinter Cell: Blacklist, which is arguably the best Splinter Cell game.

It’s good! (Though the competitive multiplayer is pretty much borked now)

I mean, they were also the developers of Blacklist, arguably the best Splinter Cell game.

FWIW, I think this kind of positional play that rewards tactical thought from good teams working together is what makes Oddball worth having in the game at all.

Has the price of developing a AAA videogame gone up? Yes, exponentially. It isn’t that they are paying the people making them more necessarily, but that so many more people are involved. In the early 90s, AAA games had teams under 50 people and took a year (maybe two) to develop. Now they have teams of more than a

In the 20th Anniversary stream Peter Moore talked about how even in 2001 they KNEW it couldn’t be the Microsoft Xbox and how he had to have a hard conversation with Bill Gates about that.

I believe the correct spelling is “Spiders-Man”

This article is 100% correct, but also, I kind of like that the battlepass on Halo Infinite is so bad and unrewarding that it becomes pretty easy to ignore. Feels like old-school Halo where you play because playing is fun, not because you want to get further on the treadmill.

The conversation around Halo has always been around competitive multiplayer, because the multiplayer was so novel and memorable, but through Halos 1, 2, and 3, it really was primarily a campaign focused game that also had multiplayer. There were stats on Halo 3 that almost 70% of the people who purchased the game

The real baseline you need to compare it to is “would investing what it costs to run the dev team each year into the housing market or other low- to medium-risk investments be a better long-term ROI.

Panic Room is pretty clearly a better movie than either Adventureland or The Runaways, no?

It’s wild how long he’s been doing HitRecord without it really growing at all (seemingly). He’s been “HitRecord Joe” on Twitter for more than a decade.

For All Mankind is legit