Still trying to self promote your own posts that FA ignores huh?
Still trying to self promote your own posts that FA ignores huh?
I’d be fine with the Saudis not giving the MANPADS to anyone. If they want to escalate against Russia, they need to man(pad) up and send in the Saudi army in full uniform, under the Saudi flag and do it themselves. Be accountable.
Excellent as always. Makes my day when I can sit down and dig into one if your great long articles.
Whole lotta airspace out there. Things happen quickly. May not have had assets in place or may have considered the consequences not worth the depth of the incursion. I don’t think they consider themselves “overmatched” to say the least.
It’s up there. It is gorgeous.
My favorite bomber by far, it looks so good and can unleash hell.
B-1B: prettiest aircraft ever made?
IIRC the videos and documentation went beyond final assembly. In fact they plan on using those videos and tooling to make replacement parts for the F-22 and F119s I believe. Also, take a chill pill, we can talk here without all the know it all attitude.
As a guy who works on the B1, let me speak up a bit here:
No, all Air Force shooters—large or small, fast or slow—now also have been given the data links, displays and sensors to autonomously locate targets and deliver munitions appropriate for CAS, although ground controllers are always preferred if available. It’s a huge investment by USAF designed to wring the most…
Thank you for your input!
Happy New Year.
Despite the same flight/hour costs between 1 b1 and 10 mq9 there are other costs and limitations that go into the AF’s choice of the b1.
This is an excellent point, and highlights the larger issue. CAS is a combined arms strategy, which by definition is our army and our air force.
The B-1 was designed during the cold war. It was not made for a far off future conflict but that the time war with the Soviet Union was a very real possibility. It was designed to do what the B-52 cannot do. No one anticipated the fall of the Soviet Union, when it did happen we where stuck with highly advanced weapons…
Good lord! Ignorance rules the day on Foxtrot Alpha!
They never stopped and got a neutral power setting, which means that the rest of the event is going to be miserable.
I’m surprised there wasn’t a breakaway after that huge under run.
Lots of stab movement there and probably only a few explanations; turbulence, FCS gains are goofy, or the driver. I’m gonna go with someone learning the ropes.
You are completely incorrect. The security measures for flying the President are far more complex than you postulate. I will waste no more words trying to teach you.