
Some forms of control, like signage or warning announcements, are benign. The forms of control the Right seeks to impose are imbued with a sense of millenarian moralism and that is where one has to draw the line. Controls, especially social one, should lack a moral character in order to affect everyone evenly.

And he did. Who is more evil, society or Zimms?

Who are we to judge which tools the fates choose?

He is a monster, and he saw something he could get away with.

Yep. I have to say I was very happy to hear that Zimmerman got punched in the face—and I didn’t really feel morally conflicted about it at all. Until I read that the person who punched him *may* have had a confederate flag tattoo.

More like a fucking mouse, IMHO

I think it’s about control. Religion and symbolismm are just methods. Control is the goal

Yeah. But hate doesn’t fix hate. know it to be true. But my nature is not perfect either. I’d say it’s going to get violent in the streets but I’m too busy commenting to bother

And I suffer from wanting to see him hurt for it.

The problem is the ocular-centricity of the Eurocentric Christianized culture of America. It is obsessed with colour symbolism and perception.

You’re right. It’s not what he saw. It’s what he perceived. Both of the child and of himself. And too many people are suffering from the same delusions. And I suffer from wanting to see him hurt for it.

I’m fairly sure Denver just meant that a pair of glasses is useless at helping a trigger happy racist see a black teenager as anything but a threat. The problem isn’t in the eyes, but in the mind.

That was also my read? But it also kinda adds another layer of glee(?) to hearing that this festering ass-cyst got punched.

Well, it is Florida...

Yeah...I was confused about that as well simply because I can’t see anyone in reasonable mental health wanting to stick up for Zimmerman...for anything.

He actually didn’t. He saw a monster when he should’ve seen a child. America is sick and it needs heavy-duty surgery.

With a gun and against an unarmed opponent, he is a lion. On equal terms with his opponent, he is a lamb.

Apparently, in a totally unrelated story, Dylan Roof got attacked in jail. No word on his condition but I hope he lives to see the trial. I cannot wait to hear the Right blame this on the victims once it gets underway.

Oh, I think he saw just fine

Good to hear Zimmerman has got some glasses, maybe if he'd had them in 2012 he would have seen that Trayvon was just a kid walking with his shopping.