I can now browse this site without seeing your trash posts about Mario maker or you whoring out dark souls for clicks. Good riddance.
I can now browse this site without seeing your trash posts about Mario maker or you whoring out dark souls for clicks. Good riddance.
Nice click bait. Probably the most blatant I’ve seen in a while.
If you play on ps4, my friend and I are always looking for people to play with.
Brilliant click bait trash. Way to post something that makes all the 6th grade kids snicker about something that kind of looks like someone’s “weinee”.
I think you and I have a very different standard for a solid stable of games. Exclusives I own are Uncharted and Bloodborne. That’s it. Other than remastered PS3 games, this library of games is pretty sub-par, IMO. That really goes for XOne as well. This console generation has been bogged down with the quick and easy…
It is a really great system to play remastered PS3 games on....
Absolutely. I hated 2 And love this game.
Are there any new Gwent cards/games in this expansion? I absolutely love that game.
Klepeck must be beside himself knowing that someone other than his is writing about dark souls
Thank you for the 2 sentence post about a series hardly anyone cares about anymore. At least you managed to post something without using the words “Dark Souls” for a change.
Riveting stuff.
More Dark Souls whoring from you. You are all that is wrong with Kotaku.
Boo hoo! People have things before other people. Thats life. You are the absolute worst. Any excuse you can find to use the words “Dark Souls 3" to get people to click on your trash, right? I hope you get gonorrhea.
Doomsday kills superman.
You just can’t wait to write something, anything, on Dark Souls, can you? Can’t wait to read your trash about some guy who beat the game naked while standing on his head and blindfolded. Because that’s the kind of hard core journalism you went to school for, right?
A Mario Maker post from you? Must be a day that ends in Y. I bet you can’t wait to unleash your garbage on Dark Souls 3 upon the world.
I’m sure this will really disappoint the 23 people who wanted this. You write the absolute worst things.
Breaking News: Developer makes subpar game and closes, disappointing no none. You are the worst.
An article about something that didn’t happen? Only you.