
It’s been clear for a while now they have no interest in following the books too much beyond tone and an approximation of key events. I don’t know why you’re trying to watch it upset that it isn’t a direct adaptation. Either enjoy it for what it is or stop, the community is irrelevant since this is SyFy’s best

As I was writing that comment I actually had DeVoe as a counterpoint, because I wanted to say something flippant like “Jeez just give your villains an episode or two from their perspective, it’s easy.” But then DeVoe has had way too much time from his perspective and he’s still horrible because there’s no logical or

Yeah it was really bold of them to make that choice, especially after last week tried to play up her being unique.

Their decision to dedicate time to building young Nora as a character helped a lot. That asylum episode carried so much sympathy through the rest, and then solidifying Nora and Damien’s relationship in the Berlin episode too.

That really is the go to rule, regardless of how it messes with continuity of old episodes.

I was sort of expecting Ava to actually be special somehow, but her being #12?! Wow that’s rough. Rip Hunter is a cold motherfucker.

I’ve really only seen him on Santa Clarita, but his exasperated performance there is a selling point. (Granted as a comedy, drama acting rules may not apply)

Almost definitely, they rushed right into a shirtless scene ASAP. Checked his imdb, and he’s credited for several episodes over the rest of the season.

No clue if anyone else has done similar, but I checked out of this season of Arrow an episode or two before the crossover and haven’t had much will to go back.

I totally agree,despite loving the show I had very little reason to ‘binge’ the Santa Clarita Diet reviews, but would’ve totally enjoyed rewatching along with the reviews being released more slowly and talking in the comments.

Incels got banned though? No. You’re right, I’m sure the sick fucks found a new hole to call home.

Clearly not, Black Panther proved how little those matter. Because you can be diverse and appeal to white people sick of seeing white people.

I feel like you should save all of your politics corners throughout trump and publish them together. Maybe it’ll be fascinating to reread years from now instead of just terrifying.

God, I wish what made this show so amazing wasn’t so deeply rooted in spoilers and ruined if you try to explain it as a selling point, yet also so entrenched in continuity you can’t let people just hit the highlights. Because it’s almost impossible to convince new viewers to jump on.

In their defense, we’ve had traditional Nazi Hydra, Apocolypse-Incarnate Hydra, Framework/Victorious Hydra, and now SPACE/Kree Hydra.

‘gorey’ feels more accurate than ‘horror’,

I do, I can’t handle all these names.

Now that they’re both zombies and that’s not changing anytime soon, it’d make the most sense if they just fell into a stable relationship again. If only because it could wrap up both character’s relationship drama without much fuss. (Also more reason for the occasional Robert Buckley shirtless scene...)

If you actually think about it, Flashpoint feels like a much smaller impact event than most of the things the Legends do to mess with history, but I love the ongoing joke of everyone giving Barry shit, and that in universe flashpoint is still worse because fuck Barry.

I think it took that groundhog’s day episode for Ava to click as a character. I hope they continue doing that, where they focus the majority of the episode on individuals. This season has felt so fresh every week because it’s been such a great mix of character pairs. We’ve seen the characters split off and take the