
I like how different Constantine feels from the others. Even if he does feel tonally inconsistent, this show is a clusterfuck of tone no matter what given the wide cast. I actually hope they don’t lose that whimsical strangeness that marks the “Constantine” version of magic.

Mick’s had plenty of good moments this

To be fair none of the others powers are all that strong. Zari’s air totem seems like the weakest of them all by a large margin, Nate’s powers are defensive, and Ray only has ‘powers’ if he has his suit.

It’s mostly weapons and martial arts until Wally. Which is a good place for a team-up show like this to be imo, they

Her telling her mom “I told the truth” I took as confirmation that she isn’t a triple agent, but instead wants to seize control for herself.

Zach Braff 2: Scrub Away the Humor

I have a childhood friend who is a furry and I try to ignore it best I can, but god damn do they love parading it around and being as weird as they possibly can be.

The Stirling information was complicated by the fact he was planning to use her and her powers. Also she personally told Trish to stop so many times.

If we could get some retroactive recaps of some of the high points in S3 I’d be very happy just for a place to discuss these episodes. I was thrilled to see this review because this season has been so good.

It’s been very solid. It’s more of a remix of the story you know than a 1:1 adaptation. As long as you’re not too precious about details I think just about anyone would enjoy this third season. The keys have been great for the episodic story-structure, and a certain point near the start of S2 was amazingly well done.

I’d put it above that episode because of how important and game-changing this episode was longterm. Music Meister was cute but self-contained. This episode was a musical but without sacrificing any of the continuing storylines and also advanced them all in unexpected ways.

It’s not really back at square one if you’re free from TV schedules and have large backlogs of things available.

I mean... sure... but you’re getting thousands of times the content of a single channel whenever you feel like. so... yeah ok.

It’s not like it splintering is this crazy unprecedented thing. Streaming services are more and more just becoming channels.

How did your GGG award not go to White Josh’s judge-y dog?!

And then if they skip that exposition they’re revealing she’s a lesbian while introducing Grace, it’s a whole mess. Throwaway characters have definite utility.

I wonder if there’s any overlap between the SFX companies. It might be a just a relatively small world, they discuss with each-other how to achieve whatever CGI, and either share staff or end up implementing similar visuals.

Yes. It has worked out for me. Under the constant buckling force of the gay rights movement I don’t have to deal with the talking heads on Fox saying it’s this reprehensible thing to be gay any more. Republicans still overwhelmingly opposed gay marriage up until the end, so don’t misunderstand the facts: I’m sure they

Raising a child to believe they could identify as either gender is probably no more damaging that raising them to believe a magic man in the sky made the world. *shrug* The far-left may miss the mark, but they can usually be counted on to oppose discrimination, which is a point in their favor over the alt-nazis.

So this is days later I’m reading this thread, but your approach is slow tedious bullshit. It is not minorities job to prove themselves or appease these shitty people who want to deny human rights just because “they’re scared and don’t understand” well fuck that. They don’t need to go to a minority petting zoo where

If only she clutched her balls at the end, she might’ve had a chance.

It’s like they don’t think Fitz sufficiently fills their young hot white dude quota, so they’re constantly cycling people through the slot Ward filled.
As a shallow person attracted to said young hot men, I don’t have an issue with it, but I could see how it could get annoying. Also if I were to tier them, Deke is far