
I’m just happy that it didn’t land with Rebecca carrying the baby, since that would’ve been way too much for the character to deal with. I guess Heather had a whole season arc in this single episode so that’s something for her to do next season.

I don’t think you can really call it a pattern when they’ve had multiple irredeemable female villains before this, from Banshee to Kara’s aunt, to Mon El’s mother.
Livewire is too charismatic to stay purely evil, it’s science. But if they have to kill her off for real, Psi is fun too, someone who actually is capable

I just wish it was easier to get people into. It’s really hard to talk them into: “watch S3 if you want, it’s got a lot of good parts, but watch S4 no matter what.” My friends think they’ll be missing too much about who everyone is jumping 60+ episodes into a series.

Daredevil S2 mostly sucked so I don’t think championing it for consistency makes much sense. Also Jessica Jones only major issue was that it had 2-3 episodes more than the story it wanted to tell. S4 of SHIELD was an amazing feat, it takes a lot to make a 20 episode span that good, varied, and without hitting any

I agree, it felt like Cage didn’t want to commit to it, Black Lightning didn’t care what opinion pieces it might create on Fox blogs, it committed to its world reflecting reality.

I think already this is a million times better than Cage, and it’s starting with enough cheese built in to avoid any whiplash like Cage had.

to be fair, it’s one of the most confusing attempts at a live action super hero costume I’ve ever seen.

That was a good read, It’s SyFy so I don’t have high hopes for the show, but I’m glad he got his intentions realized.

I sorta wish they kept the telepath alive over another person with essentially psychic powers like Daisy. They don’t have the budget for rock powers to play much different than a very big boulder-sized gun.

Ah good old name-power synergy. Never on the nose at all.

I think CExG the end of CWs primetime block so they don’t really have any time before local channels take over, so I’m guessing they always are going to just play the promo immediately with no pause.

It’s Pete Gardner, he’s a comedian who has had relatively few acting jobs.

Pretty awesome. A few of our smaller cities are getting municipal gigabit internet too, so net-neutrality is a non-issue when that turns on. If you like 4 seasons and it being sunny almost every day it’s a great place to live.

Can confirm, I live in CO and all my local shops are cash only.

Can’t remember them because they created nothing of note since and prior. They’ll only be known for their poor imitation.

We all knew Harmon was an asshole during early Community, I don’t quite get why this story is being treated as ‘news’, but ok.

It looks about as good as the original Jurassic Park dinosaurs, and even if that’s a bit behind the times, doing it on a TV budget is impressive.

You’re just embarrassed this whole time you didn’t realize Zelda was the boy. It’s ok to be wrong and not know things, don’t worry about it!

I don’t know how much weight the ‘kids story’ argument holds because we’ve seen all manner of kids targeted comics adapted to be more mature and not suffer for it.

Also “Kid Flash” makes a hell of a lot more sense with a very significant age gap. Barry looks maybe a couple years older than Wally in the show.

I think her acknowledging it was her ex-boss she’s in a relationship with and that’s not a good thing, was accepting and not judging the imperfections of her own life. Sexually sure, she was fine, but romantically, it’s always been perfect weddings, princesses, and rowboats surrounded by ducks.