I am so sad that the next episode is early December, and it ALSO is the midseason finale. I will miss this show.
I am so sad that the next episode is early December, and it ALSO is the midseason finale. I will miss this show.
“hey man, our greatest villain ever was in a wheel chair”
Sort of hard for it to be ‘tone deaf’ if it was produced months before Hollywood exploded. I mean, maybe they should’ve gone in and done some last minute edits to fix it, and I’m glad the discourse around these issues progressed, but it’s difficult to dock them for not having foresight to see how different this…
So... I liked this show more or less for the special effects a couple episodes ago, but aside from a couple stand-out characters this is turning to complete trash. I can’t wait till the better srs super hero shows come back like Legion and Agents of Shield. Delaying AoS for Inhumans was awful, I wish they just aired…
Her acting victimized by having it while also refusing the memories removal is the most confusingly stupid character drama ever.
I think she said something about knowing where their base is and threatened to tell Sentinel, but I don’t know if that’s exactly what she threatened to tell them.
This episode took me a while to process, and after some introspection realizing (though not to the same point as Rebecca) too much of her depression and anxiety was familiar. I’ve been unemployed for a couple years now after college because I left my anxiety unchecked, letting it quietly derail my life, and I really…
I love it when they take the time to play with their powers. It’s a part of the whole super-human fantasy that gets overlooked by most shows and movies, they’re so focused on their action sequences that they don’t take the time to have the characters to find ways to enjoy their abilities.
That’s not totally fair, I’m pretty sure Gifted’s powers VFX are by far the best. They all look unique and visually interesting on top of being rendered well and with consistently creative uses. Compared to something like the flash, where it’s always ‘energy blasts’ 24/7.
Looking forward from this event and how it shapes the show is pretty hard, these last few cliffhangers have prevented any semblance of stability. Though Rebecca finding happiness alone doesn’t feel like best endgame for the show anymore.
I agree, I think they knew the B plot this episode had to go above and beyond as a counterbalance, even if the stories themselves couldn’t be as nuanced due to needing to be so heightened. They went all the way to costumes for the fairy princess board game, and turned Maya into a hashtag personified, and it felt like…
I think I made it two. It was very amateur fantasy meets awful teen drama. As opposed to something like Riverdale which is teen drama made watchable.
It wasn’t CW mandated, the actor just wanted to do one season. The show hoped she’d change her mind, she didn’t, she gave them 5 episodes to wrap it up.
I’d rather they don’t do that, but I think I might just hate superspeed as a power conceptually, it’s all one big plot hole without well defined limitations. (Especially when they build on it with phasing and time travel.)
That’s just a fiction thing in general. Once you start getting into inventing names for things that already have names you’re just being confusing for the sake of ‘realism’ in a work that is already fantasy. - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallARabbitASmeerp
The show is definitely challenging using the lens of morality in relationships. To try to prescribe a fundamental morality to characters and their actions seems flawed, since the message of the show itself fights back against that.
That’s actually a pretty good theory.
I think the term he’d use is ‘poo-person’
Oh no, that just made an already sad moment even sadder. He’s still waiting for her, even after reading about her arson.
It feels like a frustratingly manufactured drama. It’s hard to have a straightforward relationship with the ‘kids’ question when you’re gay, because as soon as you realize you are it gets complicated, and stays complicated, and it gets complicated for your parents who might’ve wanted grand kids, and ugh.