
And on the flip-side, as someone with basically no interest in Dota 2 I have a healthy amount of interest in this.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

To your first point, I came to Dota after playing a lot of League and a large amount of the disconnect there is that heroes in Dota 2 have a turn rate.

Chinatown at 2am. Singapore. By Shaun Yee.

I loved this series. The sun thing could be annoying sure, but like you said you mostly only needed it for boss battles. Also there was a sort of spiritual successor (Wikipedia says it’s technically fourth in the Boktai series though) called Lunar Knights for the ds that was Kojima. Doesn’t need sunlight or anything.

I mean hey, you get it or you dont, different strokes for different folks, if the shoe fits, yadda yadda yadda.

Haha sure whatever, man. No wonder game consumers are so entitled, they think a game can be made in such little time.

Now playing

And rightfully so. Fuck people who think they can just take and use anyone else’s material.

Destiny felt like an unfulfilled promise, and was a shell of what they were hyping it to be. I thought they’d make progress in the sequel but from everything they’ve said it’s just more of the same. They’re making it easy to not buy it, and Bioware isn’t doing them any favors if Anthem delivers.

Please pay for the games that you play and enjoy. I know that institutionally Kotaku is dismissive of concerns about piracy - they make the kind of content that isn’t subject to being pirated - but the industry can’t survive if you don’t. Saying that is not a defense of current intellectual property laws. One way or

Ahh yes, the old “they can only do one thing at a time argument”.

Right, because governments require 100% attention to every issue, they aren’t large bureaucracies with hundreds of government employees who can do different things at once.  

Ah yes, the good ol’ logical fallacy that an entire country full of millions of people is for some reason only capable of focusing on a couple issues at one time.

Thanks! The book consists of 10 stories that I approached similarly to this one, although many of those games (like Uncharted 4 and The Witcher 3) were more successful. Also, most of the sources in the book (including leads at BioWare) spoke on the record. I think anyone who reads Kotaku will enjoy it.

Merlion. Singapore. By David Teo.

He was the main programmer on Lightning Returns, not the director or lead developer or anything like that. So rest assured, Final Fantasy XIII’s legacy will not follow him.

100% agreed. It doesn't have to be this big sprawling campus. But if you're building one edifice they could've made an effort to not make it look like a high security federal department building? It looks positively boring and depressing from the outside. I'm only talking about the outside. On the inside it might as

Looks sad and boring as possible. Doesn't matter much for gamers, but you'd think that Nintendo would put more effort in the quality of their work environment.