
"authorities have politely declined to step in and help out". Can't have it both way folks. You wanted unregulated currency, there it is. No regulations, no protections. Don't cry to the big bad corrupt governments you're so keen on avoiding.

If you're wondering what that bad taste in your mouth is, bit is the abbreviation for bitter...

This. New. Comment. System. Is. Fucking. Awful.

That's actually only the main meals shown in the Singapore example. The writer failed to include all the other sweets, biscuits and drinks. Pretty much similar to the UK in terms of quantity of food and tidbits.

Majority of the MREs we get are amazing. We get taken care of when it comes to our food most of the time. A hot meal after a crappy day does a lot for a soldier's moral and motivation.

This has to be the. Greatest. Single. Thing. I've watched on the internet.

You're not "forced" to do anything. Stop acting like they owe you something.

You're preaching to the choir, friend. I fully agree with everything you just said.

Because he is not on the creative side of game development, you yutz. John Carmack's contribution to RAGE was the technically impressive megatextures, not the game design, art assets, etc.

Great, that's the way to show people not to be self entitled jerks about their free entertainment. Way to buckle under to a bunch of cry babies guys.

Every time I watch a YouTube video I stop myself from scrolling down because I'm really tired of reading racist, sexist, homophobic bull crap in the comments section. If there are people out there making witty intelligent commentary on other peoples' videos, it's totally lost on me. Especially for the Nerdy Nummies


Added you mine is 0404-6078-4734

On a side note, this is getting crazy. Just recommend my post and I'll recommend your FC post back just like others are doing on here. If you guys are looking for a trade, just send me a message here and I'll see what I have.

Do you think IT people are stupid? No, it would not be difficult, when designing a bilingual printed message, to put together a list of red flagged words for both languages and make sure those words aren't used in either language. Stop being naive and pretending this couldn't have been easily avoided.

I too own an S2, exactly the same thing happened to me, i struggled with issues where i would lose battery level drastically in a span of an hour or so, later that week i woke up one morning to find my phone unbelievably hot(high temperature),Initially i thought it was an issue with my ROM, after a little research i

LOL! Nice ref.

Well, it probably won't make it over here for the same reason Jump Ultimate Stars didn't, because of the clusterfuck of licenses.

What would you say when the thousands you payed for your Super Bowl ticket would go elsewhere (and you wouldn't get to watch the show)?

Seriously, some people just don't want icky girls in their games. Why should they have to compromise their vision? Just because the real world has them?