
I thought something might be fishy with those taco videos. Kotaku sponsored by Taco Bell confirmed.

Akazukin Chacha. Remember that?

And some people criticised free-to-play games and stated that Nintendo should release more paid mobile games. Super Mario Run isn’t even making acceptable profits. People don’t like to play bigger games on mobile devices, and putting large games on them not only yield low returns, but also compromises on Nintendo’s

It’s all about the need to recover investments, be it the engine or Star Wars. EA spent money developing the engine, and when such a move was pushed, someone somewhere definitely tried to justify the development with the help of the argument that it could benefit all the studios under EA, not just DICE.

I heard from somewhere that there’s a book titled “Cosplay World” that can help us on this subject!

There is nothing to not “understand”. It’s more that you do not share the preference for the content or activity rather than you not understanding. The rationale behind stream watching is very simple - People consume content for entertainment purposes. That’s it, it’s just like any other TV show, except that the

I’m not specifically responding to this comment of yours, but after seeing the discussions surrounding intelligence, I have decided to share my two cents through a randomly picked comment.

On the other upside, at least we wouldn’t have actresses scream profanities every 10 seconds or so.

They are probably worried about even the tiniest bit of controversy surrounding the development of their next biggest game. The combination of the lack of updates and the high risks probably drove them to spare no effort in ensuring Cyberpunk 2077's perfect start.

we believe that anyone should be able to broadcast a match from DotaTV for their audience. However, we don’t think they should do so in a commercial manner or in a way that directly competes with the tournament organizer’s stream.

It’s problematic, because of how little revenue there already is, and that the people who are broadcasting using the in-game client aren’t bearing any of the risks and costs associated with hosting the events. It would be more manageable if people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for tickets to watch the events

A “stick” with a man’s face on its packaging can be...quite misleading at times, especially when considering how the word is used in some Japanese industries.

It’s a pity that almost all Gundam games are PS exclusives. I’ll never get to play them.

I will not buy a PS4 for Red Dead Redemption 2...!

If you think that’s bad, wait till you try to buy one in Southeast Asia. Nintendo’s sole distributor sells the Switch at $100 more than it would cost in the US, and they only come in bundles (forcing buyers to pick up two of the three games, Switch punching game, 1-2-Switch, and Bomberman).

How do they compare to the Pacman curry though?

They are not wrong about auto-play videos being annoying. The worst part of those advertisements is that they are often laggy and broken. Some struggle to be closed or muted until 10 or 20 seconds post-load. Some of the major news outlets themselves are guilty of implementing those advertisements. Forbes used to be

D2 is extremely similar to D1. Even Jason, the long time destiny maniac, described it that way in his review here.

I’ve never really liked Destiny 2, just my preference, I guess. To me, it feels like a bland shooter where people go raid, get loot, raid again. Sort of like the vanilla Diablo 3 where players were stuck at the end game.

I believe that this is the point where many portable game developers are going to finish up their last projects on Vita and actually switch over to the...Switch.