
Doesn’t that sort of apply to most companies? Oil companies funding studies to downplay environmental impacts of their operations, game developers blacklisting news websites for reporting on controversies, and tech companies pressuring the media to remove leaks and rumours about their latest products etc.

Xenogears remake, please.

I don’t really feel much excitement for this game. Maybe it’s due to the fact that most people rate it at 7.5-8/10, and it looks like some generic RPG featuring pretty boys with 24/7 gelled up hair.

There are many systemic issues in America. No doubt, good people can be of any race or religion, but it is undeniable that there is a significant racial discrimination problem.

You didn’t get my point. My point is that in a decade or so, the “mainstream” crowd would cease to be who they are right now. There is nothing wrong with an activity’s creation of its own norms and culture. F1 did not start out being “mainstream”, neither were the traditions of F1 back when they were created.

“Child”, you need to learn about where the tradition of popping champagne came from. It was popularised by F1, and was meant to present a “lavishly wasteful” image back when champagne was marketed as an expensive product. Champagne was something the average person can afford to waste 50 years ago.

But why should they cater to the outdated “mainstream” crowd? In another 10 years, the people who are playing and watching these games would make up the main working class in the societies. Rather than blaming these people for not conforming to the “norms”, perhaps we should give them some space to create their own

Some commented that that a few of the players couldn’t touch alcohol due to religious reasons (being Middle-Eastern etc). Might be why some of the players refused the champagne.

I believe the difference here is that Liquid has learnt a lot more through the gruelling lower-bracket run and has generated a huge amount of confidence going into the grand finals.

Damn, that run through the lower-bracket is magical.

Fans of Valve’s old games might be upset at this, but that’s the reality of the modern gaming market. Look at Konami, how many years did it take for them to develop MGS V? Probably 3 to 4 years. They spent over $80 million to develop it, and it got them a profit of roughly $200 million (this is the profit of the

Who knew that big countries could be bullies?

That is your own interpretation of the term. “Refused entry” literally means what it means - That a person is not allowed to enter the country. Whether a person is “refused entry” for being flagged as potential threat or due to the lack of paperwork, the term is appropriate. Don’t bring in your personal language bias

I don’t think I compared my username to yours. It makes you look bad when you try to turn this into an argument revolving around the quality of Internet handles. What I pointed out was the hypocrisy of calling a real name “dumb” when you are operating under an “anonymous” ID on the Internet.

That’s his real name. I suppose for the average Internet dweller, real life stuff might be “dumb”. His parents should have named him “Dakotanonymous” or something.

It says that there would be new servers, and that the old servers would be labeled as “Legacy”.

Which backs what the OP has said, that a good number of people are not courteous or mindful of others. This is why they have to be pushed along by the rules. “Do this and that, or else...!”

If the customers are informed, they would know that the release has been announced a month ago and that the developers have come out and said that the game would increase in price going from Early Access to official release.

The game is going to be released next month, and a few days ago, it was priced at $12. It was as close to a “full game” at the lowest price as possible. I don’t buy the argument that you are waiting for the game to be released to purchase it. They announced the release in June. It’s not as if the game would change

It’s extremely unlikely that players with high enough points to automatically qualify for TI would disband and form another team. What would that achieve? If those players have enough points for TI, their team would have enough too. It’s not very wise to change team and risk placing last at TI due to poor team