
It means that when a team gets a placement in a tournament, all the players get awarded the same points. The players can bring those points with them when they switch teams, but only the top 3 matters when the total points of a team is calculated.

You should probably be saddened by your shallowness.

They have probably decided to leave the game to die and stay away from it for the time being. Maybe in 5 or 6 years’ time, when everybody has forgotten about ME:A, they would start to consider works on the IP again.

Realistically, very few consoles could be matched to the Wii since it had a huge motion control fad surrounding it. Even people who wouldn’t have gotten consoles got themselves a Wii back then.

How does the counter mechanic actually take away from the “sense of loneliness”? It’s just a way the character could attack the enemies, I see no relation at all to the atmosphere.

Jason has finally gone mad, he’s talking to himself!

So, don’t use their Wifi?

It’s like...when you get a brain fart, you end up with a comment like this.

As impressive as his feat might look, isn’t it a safety hazard? If he falls and lands onto an unsuspecting person below...what then? I wouldn’t encourage acts like this without safety precaution.

You are right, such oddities exist in many societies, but at least Japan is consistent when it comes to sexualised content, content which is not cut from their games.

But it’s interesting, because the application of such “nuances” can often be selective. In America, you’ve got shows featuring kids who are pregnant at 16, you’ve got teen models dressing up in revealing outfits, you’ve got a culture where underage (school) sex is normalised. Yet, when it comes to certain media

Actually, the literal definition of censorship does fit the particular usage that the picture is trying to mistakenly mock. It’s kind of ironic, because in this case, it is the mocker who failed to accurately grasp the meaning of the word.

Maybe because the game started out as a 3DS game and they had no time to port it over to the Switch.

“How dare these people not include a feature that is not commonly used, but is the biggest thing ever according to my gamer opinion.”

They probably are making one and it might not be ready yet. If I remember correctly, the 3DS exclusive Pokemon game also came out quite some time after the 3DS has been released.

They should just bring back Cell and give him a golden cicada form or something.

Full Pokemon games have always been Nintendo portable exclusives, they are reserved to boost the sales of Nintendo systems.

Does it have the green beard though?

It reveals a good amount about the team in general, and it certainly helps other players in choosing their next team. If they are facts, they should be taken seriously. The tone of the write-up and one’s allegiance to players are irrelevant in this case. I see many people such as you defending Puppey or EE based on

For those who want a summarised version, the allegations include,