Reminder: Nintendo is not your friend. Pirate their shit.
Reminder: Nintendo is not your friend. Pirate their shit.
I mean, honestly - and I say this as someone who regularly plays 80+ hour RPGs for the characters and story - has anyone ever really bought a Zelda game for the plot?
I’m not even wading in to the comments to see if there is at least one person defending a Japanese development team making insular cultural decisions regarding their own fantasy universe, because I’m sure there is at least one. That said, I really wish people would stop using this as an excuse. Final Fantasy is an…
Wow. You have problems.
Does it hurt knowing you’re inferior? And not because of your race or genetics, not because of any tricks, but because you’ve made yourself a pathetic excuse for a human being who did the exact opposite of growing up all on your own?
Tardarsauce would’ve approved of Kiwi Farms’ downfall.
So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?
Wow. I cannot imagine being this delusional. To not only believe that your “liberties” aka making death and bomb threats were denied by private businesses, but to believe that jews who literally have nothing to do with your attack on trans people are to blame for the backlash against your own actions.
More proof cancelling fascists always works. These guys melt at the first exposure of weakness.
Rules for thee but not for me. I mean it’s pretty much straight out of the fascist playbook. They’ll use literally anything to get what they want but they’ll cry foul the moment it’s used against them.
So the whole point of this place was to harass and scare people off the internet, but then as soon as they’re outsmarted (as they claim they were targeted, which lead to them being shut down) suddenly it’s unfair and an injustice?
Nazi bastards like Joshua Moon and his ilk can fuck right off into the nearest bottomless pit or black hole and remove themselves from the universe and existence forever.
Indeed not. in the previous games she was in, explicitly told people she was a boy. Her habit also had the symbol of Mars (♂) on it. This is a change from the last 24 hours, more or less.
These guys all seem to have a weird relationship with memory. They don’t seem to pick up on any of the themes or characterization in properties they claim to be fans of, they only process their memory of those things in the context of whatever culture war bullshit they’re currently on. Like they’ll say they’re not…
I am so very happy with this, Bridget was arguably always a bit problematic, intentional or not was used to support ‘that’ meme. which many will defend to the death, but is constantly used to disabuse both trans and drag groups, or further agendas of harm.
all they had to do to break that was make Bridget agender, make…
Hell fucking yes. I may not play ArcSystem fighters (I suck at them) but this is one hell of a win imo.
Why is straight up commentary labeled “Thought Police”? Obviously, someone did an investigation and presented the results. I disagree with your characterization.
I wish developers who create things with strong implicit biases, could just admit they did so with bias involved. As humans, certain experiences make it very easy to create things that cater specifically narrow standards, right?
I feel like admitting that we are flawed and can always do better, is way more acceptable…