Why leave all that in your car?
Why leave all that in your car?
Two things things:
No, actually, you ARE a raving asshole. So clearly all your friends are raving assholes as well. Just like how the guy you assume is homeless that broke into your car proves that all homeless people break into cars.
Deadspin unfairly changed the pictures on you too. Hernandez is now fully bearing arms. Petchesky has it out for you.
My big concern is that if I suck, now everyone will be able to see that, all over the world, as my robot-doppleganger car sucks on tracks against other people all over the world. Oh boy.
Damn. Why this game gotta look so good, and Xbone look so stupid.
Computer what is the current status of my mind?
You driving game makers are just not going to be satisfied until you've replicated every single detail about cars and how they drive, are you? No stone left unturned, eh?
Is anyone else not looking forward to racing something that is as big an asshole as you in the game i.e. late late late breaking into the first corner hoping to cut half if not the entire pack. 90% of the time I crash into everyone all the time.
That's easily fixed with a formula that multiplies the weight by the mileage... and then divides it down to something reasonable.
So much for "Robots in Disguise." Jesus tits...everyone one of the autobots can be spotted in the dark from a mile away.
I understand changing what model cars the autobots use as their alt-modes, but why can't they stick to the proper color schemes? There are no autobot cars that have candy apple green and blue/brown two-tone color schemes.
Not digging Prime's new look, and it doesn't really fit the personality that Peter Cullen has always managed to impart on Optimus.
Needs more Countach.
That's like saying that drag racers and American Iron Extreme racers aren't gearheads because their cars aren't anywhere near stock. Except they dedicate all their free time to making their cars faster.
That statement is ridiculous on its face. "True Gearheads" have been modding out cars in extreme ways since the 50's if not sooner.
His reading comprehension would probably improve if you were (hint, not we're) to improve your writing composition.
OK - I see now I didn't crank the batshirt knob to 11...I can fix that.
I know, I'm all like, what the fuk, but the Aston's all like, *puts on sunglasses* Deal with it.