
Not sure if anybody else noticed, but there is a bunch of pop references in Studio Smack’s video depiction. Around the 30 second mark there is Mickey Mouse next to the white castle. Also a dancing Asari with changing skin tone, slightly bottom center of the video. Furthermore, Spongebob Squarepants and Herobrine

Soooo...was God winking at us extra hard when that little bird greeted Bernie Sanders at that rally. (Wink...wink...this guy is gonna be the one to beat Trump)

“Perhaps we are just simulations in an AI that’s been asked to project what would happen if Trump were elected president.”

For the uninitiated, there’s a petition supporting congressman and Bernie Sanders supporter Keith Ellison for the role of new DNC chair on the moveon website. I don’t know about you, but he seems to be the number one person for it.

The French Socialist Party held their noses and came out to vote for the Convervative party (now the les Republicans) so the National Front (what is practically the French Nazi party) not get in power. How people, whether disenchanted democrats or well-minded republicans, here in the U.S. couldn’t have done the same