
It's still a great piece of music. My father and I had the usual conflicts during the sixties, but he always liked that song.

She was kind of openly bisexual.

That became a truism in the 1920s. A couple of decades ago, when some scientists wanted to the review the studies that established this recommendation they discovered that there weren't any.

You're not helping.

The Miss Read novels are the same. Goings-on in an English village, nothing terrible happens to anyone.

I was born before the Super Bowl was invented, and I don't understand the rules, either.

Or "Tarotplane". When my turntable worked I always played "Candy Corn" at Halloween.

Or "Superstar". Her voice is stunning.

They don't have to beat him up. It will be a good jolt to him when he finds out he can no longer do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Also no e-mail, fax, or Fed-Ex.

Or "Reckonwith".

Sounds like Hook. More interesting, if less fun, would be a serious film a la Finding Neverland, about Christopher Robin Milne's struggles growing up as one of the stars of a children's book. On second thought, that would be pretty downbeat.

I bet she's one of my distant cousins.

It's much faster for me to pull one of my dozens of cookbooks off the shelf outside the kitchen door than it is to turn on the computer and spend half an hour rambling through Google.

That's what makes those spiral-bound church/community fundraiser cookbooks so special. Like the University of Pittsburgh's Nationality Rooms Cookbook. Mine even has a large "this is why you don't set things on an electric stove" burn mark on the cover.

Sadly, I get her mixed up with Leslie Caron.

She has a small part but it's still a good movie. In black and white - I saw it when it came out.

If a president is removed after 2 years the VP is permitted to serve out the term and then be elected for 2 additional terms. In other words, he could serve for up to 10 years.

My husband had ALS and died after a couple of years of ALS at the age of 64. With a chronic illness various systems of the body can conk out for one reason or another.

The later years means 5 years older than you are.

At least he would execute the role with dignity.