Azrael the Cat

Anyone else with me on predicting 2 things for Roy Harper:
1. The writers will take a very long path before he becomes a side-kick. The show already has a good trio going at the moment (quartet if you include Lance, quintet if you include Sara). Roy won't get his chance to step up into the official team until one or

Doesn't the next doctor already have his own built-in MAJOR plot thread? No, not the regeneration thing - that's silly. I mean that the Valeyard's due to make his (re)appearance. Trial of a Time Lord describes him as being either the Doctor's 12 regeneration or some split-off from that regeneration. And Name of the

It's been a LONG time since Cannes served its role in promoting the work of lesser known film-makers. These days, it's mostly about ticking a box for each 'cannes-style' cliche that can be squeezed into one film:
- exploration of female sexuality, preferably lesbian - tick (nothing wrong with this…up to the point