Patrick Von Doyon

Good. Because that was a load of bullshit.

This was a HUGE problem for me in this movie, actually. But the Gaston part isn’t in the movie, which was weird since he talked about in interviews. He is, thankfully, still mostly just shallow and a bit affected by being in a war.

All I want is Midnighter and Apollo to show up somehow.

“What’s that I hear? A fight behind this wall? Mayhaps I shall swim around here for a bit in case somebody comes flying through it. Though I wonder what could be behind here, surely not the base of my nemesis...”

This news makes me feel ebullient, a word which here means, “Filled with overwhelming energetic joy, as when one accepts a free and unprompted hard-boiled egg from a stranger only to find it improbably filled with money and psychedelic drugs”.

“Come back I have... because stupid you were.”

I’m not a fan of this excuse, but in their defense it sometimes seems to be true. The Dark Knight Rises has an 8.5 IMDB rating with over a million votes. That’s higher than The Avengers, Iron Man, or Inception, all of which are clearly superior to me (and the majority of the good folk here at io9) but for some reason

Not everyone loves the sun- I am happiest when it is raining or snowing, and colder than warm. A big pet peeve is when all sunny/warm days are referred to by weather reporters as “beautiful” while rain, snow, and cold are these horrible nightmare existence occurrences.

It’s another subtle way to be made to feel

Obi Wan is an incredible singer. They missed out on not making Attack of the Clones a musical.

It’s hard to tell how capable a singer she is, they autotuned her voice into the depths of oblivion

So even the original VAs are on board now?

You know... I’m usually the first to complain about adaptations not staying true to its source material, especially when it comes to changing a character’s race.

Like maaaaybe think about these kinda things and approach them a bit more cautiously in future Marvel. Especially during a time when actual real life Nazis and anti-semitism are on the rise in the world.

I’m optimistic due to the spectacular track record of the team involved, but nervous how much marketing emphasis is being placed on the sandbox elements of the game. The team DOES know that “drive around this crappy planet in this crappy car” ME1 was the worst of their three games, right?

There are two types of ME players. The sandbox lovers and the ones who like the story and character design. I think ME is an RPG at it’s core and that is the genre it needs to be loyal to. Open sandbox games are a dime a dozen these days.

Well not if you practice responsible scientific method and observe proper containment procedures.... Wait, did that ensign just go outside without a suit to smell flowers? DAMMIT!

Hmm. a perfect tropical paradise... I’m sure nothing will go wrong on THAT planet.

I’m getting a feeling that this game is going to be bad.

People had too much of a hate on for DC for it to get any awards. The special effects seemed insane too; is Ben Afflecks CG armor at the end so frequent everywhere that it’s not any major advancement? I seriously don’t know, but they are almost at the point that the special effects are seamless and you can’t tell.

I’m Asian American male. Born and raised here by immigrant parents. Honestly I never felt like that girl. I loved marvel comics as a kid and never really gave it a thought that they weren’t Asian. I wanted to be gene Simmons from kiss and wolverine and never thought I can’t becaus I’m not white. My identity stems