Patrick Von Doyon

I was just finishing up graduate school when Kingdom Hearts II came out; between here and there, we’ve been “gifted” with a number of decimal-point entries that have turned an already iffy plot into a snarled web of narrative contrivances, internal logic contradictions, and sometimes just flat-out fanfic-level writing.

So even the original VAs are on board now?

You know... I’m usually the first to complain about adaptations not staying true to its source material, especially when it comes to changing a character’s race.

that was your video im seeing all over tumblr?

Wait, are you “sorrryyyy” or are you “Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry sorry...”

This is MX-410. He is canon.

Target tends to be pretty good but typically their options for girls are not the proper colors like you mentioned (or are covered in glitter). I still end up going to the boys’ side anyway.

I’m 34 and she’s right. Cutefied logos are NOT real.

That young man fills me with hope. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing.

You know no one is forcing you to read it, right? Unless someone IS forcing you to read it. In which case, blink twice.

Many people are saying Donald Trump funds NAMBLA. Smart people, the best people, are saying Donald Trump funds NAMBLA. I myself do not know if Donald Trump funds NAMBLA, but I would very much like for there to be research into Donald Trump funding NAMBLA, if indeed Donald Trump funds NAMBLA.

to get the most possible, to get the strongest possible impact.

There’s no way he succinctly communicated an idea in a single paragraph.

Hohoho FUCK no.

If they don’t pair up and name themselves White Lightning and Chocolate Thunder, I want no part of this.

ceci n’est pas un chat

Second hottest cat woman ever! Julie Newmar will always be my number one!

I’m pretty sure Ultimate Long Island was destroyed by Galactus when he ate Ultimate New Jersey.

Hello, new desktop wallpaper!