Holy. Shit. Hahahaha
Holy. Shit. Hahahaha
At Kevin Spacey’s house like everybody else.
But how else will I legally oogle half naked teenage boys in Santa hats?
Yo, haters gon’ hate but that was some slick ass ad placement for ancestry.com on her part.
People harsh on Raven, but she wants a better world, and I think she’ll even visit those continents she’s not from in Europe and Africa —to embrace their cultures in our melting pot of beauty.
That’s kinda what I got out of it.
Ohh. I feel dumb now. That is threatening and gross. I just saw free pizza and got excited.
A bit off topic but I do not think this constitutes as shade because it is too direct. It has to be a bit less transparent, although this coming from someone who is not well versed in shade.
So basically black people started something and white people ruined it.
As a white, cisgendered feminist I resent the implication that everything is not about me.
I can’t wait to find out what one billion thumbs up emojis looks like in reference to my booty/beauty.
once again: when I am king of the internet, the law will read that if you negatively judge another person’s looks on twitter, you will be required to post a picture of yourself online, and you will be subject to a thumbs up/thumbs down rating scale from the masses.
I meant to click on the photo-bombing turtle article and was very confused. Also sad, due to the lack of turtles in this post. In the future you should include photo-bombing turtles in more of your articles to prevent such disappointment.
Well we wouldn’t want anyone to forget that its totally not normal to have female heroes. If you don’t make up a silly word how would people remember that when talking about heroes the default assumption should be that we mean men.
TB’s one of the most respected game reviewers in the industry....
He’s extremely good at his job, and he has fairly massive clout.
He both doesn’t take kindly to insults AND is professional enough to make sure he only reviews games untainted by personal bias.
There are honestly only a couple figures in the games media…
I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.
This sucks but let's hope she'll go on to do something great in another arena.