You mean every game.
You mean every game.
Superman’s disadvantages were caused by his inability to handle foreign conflicts an his neglect to kill green arrow.
You magic them to an arena, neither of them would fight. Superman normally wouldn’t want to be controlled or used by an overseer and Batman would question engaging a non criminal.
Its not that bad... Honestly if shulk can run around in boxers... Since its a one plane fighterfighter, you’d have her back to the camera and you could just give her a long thick curly cue to hide her butt. Or you cold have her hair receed into a one piece. (I’d rather have her slightly censored than not feature her…
Please tell me they kept my power house peach the same. :/
I have to counter that the ball and vehicles are also not fifa regulation. Lol just saying, I don’t think the game takes itself that seriously :)
“Touch pad” I think.
If only Gotham imposters still had a strong following. *le sigh*
Facepalm of frustration* if only there were a way for people to pick which of the games presented would be free for their individual account. That way, everyone gets the game they want to try out, and can ask their un-like minded friends how the other games are.
The regional ethnicity might be attributed to the nationality of the source materials author, and the folk tales they take inspiration from. ( though any adaptation can take its liberties)
It’s a small easter egg. It dosen’t change the plot. :)
I was kinda thinking about if God of war met arkhams combat, we’d keep the finishing prompt but make it a touch less fatal. with huge maps you could interact in like metal gear. The DOE would air lift her to a destination where magical
Kate leaves a message on Bruce’s machine in Wayne Tower. She asked him if he could make it to her engagement party. ( In reference to Maggie Sawyer.)
There was blight, but yeah. The best episode I can remember involved Talia/ras al guhl. Then the new justice league stuff.
I know its silly but i was kinda hoping for flash or wonder woman. Something bright. Consider fighting Mirror Master or Grodd. Wonder woman would be like a globe trotting brave and the bold for magical characters.
There would have to be at least a mention of shark repellant and luthor should have a devoted interest in stealing fourty’s of baked goods.
Yeah Isenberg threw me as well. Now if only we could scare up a tougher no-non-sense Lois Lane. Losis should be the least optimistic character.
I agree with you on the Nicholson thing. I feel like the truest form of the joker hasn’t shown up yet. But I have to say we really haven’t seen that much of this one yet. And frankly heaths was.... A victim of great actor meets bad writing. His jokes weren’t that great, his gags were subtle, and the predictable stuff,…
Mark hamils been doing him better for decades.