Some people just don’t have them (matt smith) and some people prefure to draw their own (Amanda palmer)
Yes. But they called him a warlock.
Spamming can only be countered two ways. By spamming, or coming to these forums and telling people that spamming is fair. Lol
The A.I was incomplete until tony and banner convieniantly call it a night. Jarvis greets the A.I and trys to teach it about humanity. Ultron pulls a with element and freaks out about the atom bomb. Jarvis attempts to shut him down, and he reacts poorly.
Ah coolio, then alright. Again going to go look up stats on the other choices available. I did edit the prievius response before hand, finding on web MD that abortions often help with nervous and body image disorders asociated with pregnancy as well.
I feel that a major source of abortion regret comes from a sense of loss, or second guessing ones actions. The later possibly being related to shaming women. Which studies have found that its rare? Dose that rarity contradict the important of studying this side effect?
I’m sorry. Your right. I switched the facilities around. This religiously affiliated group is what I meant. Not an abortion clinic. I didn’t mean to muddle things, but was focused on the groups motivation to reduce abortions, and wrote in the opposite name.
Yes and no. They are an abortion clinic. Body policing isn’t their main focus, but a side effect of how one perceives the poster. There is a sample figure made out of words that fits the a typical ideal of a prom queen. Anyone could and should be offended because this squarely puts sexual agency on men.
I read that in the rytheme of dance magic dance.
Well. I’ve heard that a leading cause for abortions is the likelyhood that a mother’s ill equipped to care for the child financially, or would be unable to continue their own education.
U2 is more likely to push climate change than gay pride. Did this guy do any homework at all?
First movie. He turns back time to save a town from flooding under a broken damn. Then turns back time to save Lois instead. The town isn’t mentioned after he saves Lois. There isn’t any footage implying he found another method to save the town. It just wouldn’t make sense not to show his new method, because otherwise…
Batman’s dark and broody. That’s why Nolans lack of color and serious tone work for Batman.
It gets addressed in daredevil.
I like to really think about it before I do this but, I blame the parents. If he had just a little time to train in his teens or was allowed to save a person now and then without getting reamed out about not turning water into wine before the wedding at kaana, then he’d have the forethought to not cause tons of…
The kind that makes matchmaking look like tap water.
This thread just broke the internet. Congrats boys, put the chairs on the tables and lock up when your done.
People use the hash tag with related posts. If the post was inoffencive or ambivalent then nobody should be concerned by it. If the post used the hash tag offencivly then its been appropriated for the worst.
I had the same train of thought as jeremy. If you get pizza again ask for the number that ordered it. Then have the cops look up the number for they threatening persons name. As far as the take out goes, invite friends by to not waste the food and to keep company around in case the guy threatening tries anything