No, that’s an opinion. Deleting his posts would be censorship.
No, that’s an opinion. Deleting his posts would be censorship.
Well at least the weebs will have something different to cry about other than molesting/undressing/romancing underage anime girls.
Any member of the FGC will likely feel this one. Mad Catz was one of the first and most dedicated sponsors for both events and players. I’ve been using their fightsticks for years now.
Tell that to the PC side of things. The number of companies and product offerings in the day glow mouse keyboard and headset market seems to be exploding the last decade. And where as you used to be lucky to walk into a place like Best Buy and see a hand full of Microsoft and Logitech’s cheaper mice. Now my local,…
“generic looking robot centaur”
So here is some in game of her since for some reason you guys did not post it.
Who hurt you?
God, now they could add a Catcall voice line for him.
Primary function: Keep Summer safe
So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.