It’s sad, but these days I wish Square Enix would just sell off the rights to FF (won’t ever happen ofc), cash cow is such a turn off.
It’s sad, but these days I wish Square Enix would just sell off the rights to FF (won’t ever happen ofc), cash cow is such a turn off.
It’s looking alright, but I would’ve preferred some footage showing off other gameplay elements - a weapon, or something - just to avoid the comparisons to Outlast. Here it looks very similar, but the way Capcom described it it sounded a bit more unique and RE’ey. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see for the next…
I’d feel a lot better about this game if it felt like those 10 years were actually spent efficiently, but every snippet I see just says they spent all those years changing things around. That’s what troubles me.
I’m not at all surprised, but it’s a little troubling to think that Square Enix’s time management on projects is really that bad, considering how long this has been in development. They need to get their shit together, regardless of if this game is good or bad, I can pretty much guarantee we won’t be seeing the…
Aaaaand this is why I’m getting burned out of games, all just feels like money money money from the big studios. This makes me sound like a pretentious loser, but I miss the days when the big companies weren’t so big because video games were still hipster, and it was about art or whatever.
I’ve been seeing a lot of articles praising XIV lately, so it’s good to see something that basically mimics my own feelings with it. I think it’s a great MMORPG for people who have never played one before, or for people who just want something with a lot of casual content, but for me it just makes me miss XI even…
I think anti-piracy measures like Denuvo are completely unnecessary though, since IMO the type of people who won’t eventually buy a game they originally pirated but really enjoyed (what a lot of people did with Witcher 3 for example) won’t cave in and buy a game just because it’s protected by Denuvo. Minus a small…
I’ve been thinking about upgrading to an AMD card, but I’m just still so unsure since half the time I hear from friends how badly optimized games are towards their hardware. Pretty much sucks since on a technical level AMD are doing great things for the cost / power ratio.
While it sucks that young people can’t express themselves as much as they should, the significance of tattoos in Yakuza culture isn’t going to change any time soon and so I doubt the Olympics will really change anything.
I pretty much haven’t played seriously since WotLK, but I must admit I’m really tempted to come back for Legion. From my perspective the lore involved is such a major step-up, I just don’t think I can resist. I’ve got enough time to play again, so I think considering I have some great memories from this game back when…
Pokemon GO is such a mess, but such a great idea. It’s just way too much for a small team to handle, and they’re just lucky people love Pokemon because I think there could’ve been way more backlash considering this whole game is just one big cash cow (despite the idea being epic).
The idea behind Evolve has always been really exciting IMO, but with the pay only DLC monsters and zero actual content, it got boring extremely quick. People are probably just testing it out of curiosity, ironically mostly people who bought it in the first place I bet.