
I just want to say that people need to understand they don’t ‘have’ to upload every level they create. Just because you made it and can complete it doesn’t mean it should be uploaded online. The Mario Maker world would be a much better place if people understood this. Just my opinion, though.

I agree that they probably shouldn’t have changed this since it’s not really hurting any levels, but I understand that it’s probably not an intended mechanic. The problem is, it’s tough to tell what’s intended and what’s not. For example, the first time I saw that you could toss an item upward in SMW and then re-grab

And yet we still don’t have any concreate information from people making these claims. All we know is that they claim their courses were deleted and that there were no violations within the course. Please ask that anyone having their courses deleted play the offline version and record a video of it. If they claim