
Its nothing to do with transphobia. A simple example: can you imagine Caitlin Jenner completing against females. Those actual, born physical females who have worked harder than hard, probably damaged their bodies and possible altered their bodies in order to achieve the Olympic ideal of the perfect athlete. After all,

I am disgusted at the judgemental, self-righteous comments made about Chris Pratt. The one about Jesus was particularly vile. I suppose that creature forgot that Jesus said, let those amongst you without sin throw the first stone. Mr Pratt’s comment was clearly thoughtless and crass. I doubt for one second it was

By the way, the young Paul ages during the story, a significant number of years.  Perhaps you would have suggested a different actor for different years as boys do change a lot during that period of their lives.  

Sometimes I wonder if people write for the sake of it. First of all acting is a reflection of a character, fictional in this case, it is not a doppelganger of that character. Acting is the ability of portraying the subtle nuances of that character, many of which are not carried by the actor. That’s acting.