Now playing

One player is in the ascendancy, having brilliantly piloted his deck to a seemingly insurmountable position with a full board of minions, very little life lost and his opponent facing down lethal next turn. And out comes Yogg. Suddenly the game is turned on its head, and the second player wins.

This game is supposed to be paper, scissors, Yogg. There is always a deck we don’t like because it beats our deck, we all hate Reno Jackson, we all get shitty opening hands, and we all hate cookie cutter straight off the internet Zoolock decks. Nerf everything because everything beats us. Especially my Shaman Evolve

I’m actually mostly a political moderate, but I swing back and forth both ways from time to time. I agree that power corrupts absolutely, but you’re incorrect about government regulation causing the recession, and I proved it to you with facts and evidence. I also didn’t call you any names, adapt any of your personal

I never knew I wanted this and now I don’t want anything else.

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

It’s ALWAYS on the person with the crush? Yea, that’s some fucking bullshit. The “friend” in these relationships is not always completely oblivious to the other’s feelings to them, and I've witnessed first hand plenty of people being led on

LOL....”broad national support”...really. How did that broad national support work in, oh say, the 2010, 2012 AND 2014 congressional elections?

Great article as always.

I think maybe a personal essay isn’t the best way to shed light on the problem. Personal essays can be very powerful but they aren’t the only way to bring light to a topic. And they can even be counter-productive if the goal is to really start a conversation. An investigative piece interviewing lots of parents and

I fear that the author’s acknowledged mistakes will make most people unsympathetic to his tale. For some reason, we expect that anyone who dares to speak out against an unfair system be beyond reproach.

if by those you mean intelligent, then there is nothing wrong with you.

You just really can’t top the Animated Series. I’m one of “those” people.

Playstation 2 under rated gem

I’ve ranted endlessly about Other M, but at the heart of it, more than the story and the voice acting (which are bad), it’s that it doesn’t do what Prime did perfectly, which is what Stephen says:


Jeez louise. Nobody actually cares if you’re a save scummer, but there’s no need to get so precious and self-righteous about it. “How dare you sir, impugn my integrity as a gamer merely because I choose to reload my save after I get recked? Am I not free to make that choice? Who are you to judge my actions!? This is a