
This brings back memories of some of my white coworkers who didn’t seem to have a problem with stealing ideas, methods, and teaching plans from the Black teachers in our public school. We just usually took it in stride, knowing it might help them do a better job of working with our children. After all, we didn’t hire

One racist principal is one too many. Of course I want to hear about this woman. What else does she do every day in many little ways which can affect the self image of these children, and by default their quality of life? I wonder about that. Schools exist for benefit of children, not administrators. I hope she either

Sorry, but being an idiot is no longer a valid excuse for people in positions of power. Why would you try to excuse the behavior of this “educator “? Our children deserve better so they will not wind up with the same sick mindset. And parents deserve better, also. Now do we realize that charter schools are not the

Sorry but the 6 month excuse doesn’t fly. What other president have you seen that caused such chaos in only 6 months? This man and most of those surrounding the present administration are a bunch of racist, misogynistic, homophobic, iconic misfits. They desire to remake America to be what it unfortunately was at its

Well now, if Obama was a “disaster,” what shall we call Trump these last 6 months? Can’t believe any sensible person can criticize the Obama administration after witnessing the unthinkable things Trump and the Republicans are doing to us this very moment. Hope you and your family and friends are rich. If not, you

Guess President Obama didn’t want O’Reilly to get all excited that interviewing a Black president was just like interviewing a white one. Because who would think that eating at Sylvia’s restaurant was just like eating in a white run place? But I think Obama knew better than to stoop that low. And where’s Bill now?

Perhaps Miss USA was thinking only of the “privilege” to be able to have health care. She didn’t address the “right” part of the question. In other words, did she understand the question and it’s implications? I’m not so sure.

I understand the sentiments expressed here, but have a problem with the phrase “valuable painting.” What makes it valuable if it’s so offensive to many people?

Except people migrate, not boats. And persons, not boats, determine their own destination. But kidnapped persons like the slaves on the bottom of those ships do not decide their destination.