Oh, I am sure Geena Davis and Madonna won’t be able to sleep tonight.
Oh, I am sure Geena Davis and Madonna won’t be able to sleep tonight.
Every day brings us a step closer to Chicago Chicago being greenlighted.
...When did Joshua Jackson re-married?!
I look her up on IMDB because she just seemed so familiar and I sill don’t know who she remids me of but she was a consultant writer for the super underrated Ugly Americans! I am definitely tracking down her other stuff now.
I am not really sure why you are acting like pushing The Batman’s date it’s a bad thing. The character could use some time off and come back stronger, especially if Phoenix’s Joker and Birds of Prey perform well. Hell, two years or more from now... who’s to say Affleck won’t be game again?
If Truble is not leading it they are doing it wrong.
Oooh, I am definitely checking that one out. Thank you, I probably wouldn’t have heard of it otherwise.
It has been a while but I remember the I Spit On Your Grave remake being actually good? I have no recollection whatsoever of the rape scene (I do recall thinking it was slightly less exploitative than the one in the Last House remake, so there’s that) but they pulled back no punches when it came the time for the…
He tried to roofie my girl Shannon Lucio in some awesomely bad shark tv movie eons ago. :( And I always get him mixed up with the guy who played Ryan Atwood’s ex girlfrend’s abusive boyfriend, too (man, I should probably stop watching The O.C reruns...).
I thought you were joking! Amanda, Milo, Martin Donovan AND dogs. How I’m just reading about this one? Internet, you have failed me.
I could have sworn I read about this movie being greenlighted (with Del Toro at the helm, even!) years ago...? Weird.
Sandler is easily the worst part of Spanglish. His character is basically an emotionally unavailable Gary Stu who gets away with cheating on his wife while acting all high and mighty because she wronged him first! I only tolerate that movie because Tea Leoni kills it.
Maybe because every single character on it is SUPER angry at themselves and everyone else all the time? It rubs off.
I can’t believe this needs to be said but, lame-ass comeback from the Kardashian at hand aside,
Except that apology was for a completely different kerfuffle in his blog regarding some highly misogynist and homophobic commentary in a ranking of “fuckable” comic characters he had run a year prior (in which, among other gems, he “joked” Batwoman needed to be fucked straight)...
Whatever Carol’s in there! Could that possibly mean Melissa will be getting more than five lines this season?
...I would have sworn that was Blake Lively.
The ‘A’ is actually for Keith ALAN Raniere, according to his ex.
Kristin Kreuk (another former Smallville actress) recruited her back when the series was in its fifth season, IIRC. It was well known in fandom circles, though - of course - no one thought it was more than a crappy self-help program -. She originally joined to get Kreuk out, but her big influence in fandom (I am not…
Ironically enough, she originally got involved to get her Smallville colleague Kristin Kreuk out.