
heh. you answered a question I just posted as a comment. Still, I don't want to have to scroll past a shit ton of squares to get to a program if it's a rarely used program... (I sometimes forget the name, but can find it and recognize it when I do - I've got way too many programs installed...)

Can you still open programs by hitting the Win key on your kb, typing the name and hitting enter? For example, I always open chrome by hitting Win -> chrome -> enter. I didn't try out the developer preview and I'm traveling, so I only have my work laptop, so I can't try out the beta...

So you respect the beliefs of scientologists, people claiming they were abducted by UFOs, etc? Crazy is crazy, regardless of history and the amount of tradition behind it. To be clear, I used to be Christian. I'm no longer a Christian because a few different experiences woke me up to my cognitive dissonance.

IIRC they were all SUVs, but I don't pay much attention to make/model, so they might have been all GM.

If it's an accurate depiction of violence caused by religion, there's no problem here. Religion, at least in the US, is treated much TOO fairly. I can't tell you how many people claim that Christianity is all love and peace... Many of whom then turn around and claim that Islam is violent. *hint* Both have violent

+1! I rode that on a Duc 848 a few weeks ago, utterly amazing. Some of the tightest curves I've ever ridden, and plenty of them. Got rid of the rental bike's chicken strips =P Most cars are also kind enough to let us pass. #twowheelsbest

Yes and no. There are several models of cars that have the stupid feature of turning on the reverse lights when they're parked, for 15-20 seconds to light the way. Of course, you can't tell whether it's that or they're actually in reverse... I've stopped to let them out until realizing a few seconds later that no,

Agreed. SUVs make me vomit... All but 3 of my coworkers (out of 15) drive bigass SUVs. Even the coworkers without kids or dogs. Or boats. Or anything to tow, stow, or transport. I don't get it. It's TX though, so if you don't have a big truck/SUV you must have a small penis (-_-).

300 hp and 488 tq aren't all that impressive #s... They're good, but not mind-blowing. Just saying, if I was buying a new off road vehicle, the Hummer wouldn't be it. I'd pick a Bowler Nemesis for fast off road or a custom rock crawler for the big boulder stuff.

Android's voice commands don't talk to you. I like it that way, plus I rarely use voice commands - you look like a moron telling your phone what to do via voice in public... Plus, it's usually faster to just do it via touch input. Voice command is handy when you don't have free hands though.

Siri & Facetime? Really? Voice commands and video chat? You might be able to make a claim that Siri is more accurate or more natural language, but Android's had voice commands for a while. Video chat is just silly - Android has that, crossplatform apps too.

Someone with an IQ low enough to buy a Hummer will tend to do stupid things. News? (they're meh vehicles - meh off-road ability, meh passenger capacity, meh everything. Style = atrocious).

Difference: I can take any gas or diesel car and put it in a shipping container for 10 years, remove it and then replace the oil, rubber and fuel and fix some minor issues that might have arisen (spiderwebs, mice in the airbox, etc) and drive it. It would never cost me $40k to fix (assuming all it did was sit, in a

You really don't see a pro-Apple bias here? Try reading Gizmodo on launch day for an iOS device. Then try reading on launch day for any other smartphone OS. iOS gets 30 articles about every little feature, while the others maybe get 5-10. Try tallying up the articles over any given month and see what topics are

"Oh, and then there's "bias." What we hear about the most. That we're biased about one product or another. What is an "unbiased" review of technology, or assessment of anything? A list of specifications, numbers jammed together with acronyms? What good does that do anybody?"

For what you get, they definitely are. Most high-end Android phones also have more features and better specs. iPhone 4S is still 3G only, 1Ghz dual core. Meanwhile, Android phones are moving towards quad core and several are 4G now (most of the high end Android phones are 4G). $99 is overpriced compared to other

I'd actually say that's one thing that would keep people from developing a taste for Apple, not the other way around. Why? They can use an "Apple" feature without having to buy overpriced Apple products. One less feature they're missing out on (not to mention, AirPlay isn't really much different from DLNA or any

Ahem. DLNA. I can already do this with my Android phone. Bonus! It works with video and music stored on a different device too! As it is, I can walk into my apartment and have music playing from my PC, controlled by my phone, over my HT system wirelessly, no problems. So I fail to see a problem needing solving

Not working that well for me... On some sites, links refuse to work. As in, touching them does nothing. Anyone else with this issue?

Just bought a Panasonic TC-P60ST30. Great TV so far, amazing picture. For $1,200 it can't be beat ( ftw). Not sure I'd drop $4k on a TV... If I'm dropping that much cash, it's on a motorcycle and not a TV...