
Why would it? ALAC is pretty much only for iDevices and iTunes... FLAC is open source and far more likely, but still not all that common. Using either lossless format would eat up a lot more bandwidth...

Dropbox is one way to do what you're looking to do, but it's not free. Google Music will auto-sync one way, to your phone, though. That's good enough for me, since I prefer to manage my music on my desktop anyway.

That's pretty much what I was saying... Way back when, the US was the cheap manufacturing center and made a lot of the world's products. Hell, the US still makes a lot of products... (total manufacturing output is greater than China's). China seems better prepared to shift from a manufacturing based economy to a

ahem... that would be the income statement :D Labor cost isn't on a balance sheet... And product shortages/delays would show up on the income statement - as lower revenue vs. budget, plus any costs associated with trying to expedite getting the product in stores (air freight instead of sea freight, overtime costs,

I've said the same thing. One difference is that China has a hell of a lot more natural resources than Japan or Korea ever did, and they also seem to be learning from Japan and Korea's mistakes. China's focus on education and, specifically, engineering / math & science is the best way for them to prepare for a

200,000 that don't have jobs or would be willing to switch jobs to work for Apple? 200,000 that would accept the salary that Apple offered? If you account for that, I'm sure the #s aren't so favorable. Plus, China probably has more like 20,000,000 industrial engineers...

Methinks that if they knew he came in because of a nailgun accident, they'd have thought of that...

IMO, this is way overblown. You have to stop and think about the implications of the phrase in order to get offended by it. Most people aren't going to do that...

But they can be used by both :) It just so happens that highly detailed, accurate headphones are what audiophiles look for too.

Simultaneously, at every security conveyor and at every security checkpoint in the airport...

I was wondering how Giz might somehow make CES about Apple :/ lol @ obvious obsessions...

Clueless politicians as always. How do they not realize that users who are interested in pirating will find ways around this faster than they can even implement it, and those that aren't technically savvy enough to figure it out will learn it from their friends...

The fact that Jobs was fond of quoting Picasso's "good artists copy, great artists steal" makes his virulent anti-Android stance laughable. Jobs/Apple have and continue to do one thing and say another - copying Xerox, Microsoft and even Android (notification screen? hello? Siri too...) and yet suing everyone for

Hope he wasn't wearing nice pants. They're brown now... Holy fucking mother of shit!

I've always liked the coffee from my french press... If particulates bother you, just pour it through a paper filter when transferring from the press to your cup/mug. And don't drown it in cream, that ruins it.

No, I simply have better things to do than spend hours upon hours practicing my Halo/CoD/BF3 skillz. With the amount of time I feel like spending on video games, I can't build up enough skill/practice to get "good" at the game. I'm decent, generally mid-pack most matches, but not enough that I don't die tons when I

If you pay $60 for a game, but can't enjoy 1/2 of it because it's too competitive, that's not elitist/whiny. It's wanting to have fun rather than practice to get good. Games are about fun, not who is the best joystick manipulator (no one over 12 cares ;) )

Theoretically, you get enjoyment, but if you're not a masochist and don't like dying constantly, it gets old quick. Unless you have the time/desire to get good enough to *not* die constantly, it can be less than fun. One reason I went back from MW3 to BLOPS was that I generally did ok in BLOPS, but die too much in

I think everyone's already heard the "di-hydrogen monoxide" joke :) Yay H2O...

Seriously? If you don't want it, don't download it. If you do, this guy lets you. I don't see a problem here...