
Who the heck came up with the idea to study ostrich penis? WHY? So we might be able to solve bird ED problems when ostriches become overlords?

derp. iPhone would go down with that ship :P 27% of its parts are made by Samsung (by $ value), including the processor, flash memory and dram memory :)

Logically, it doesn't matter - you're seeing the same film and paying the same price. I guess some people do it because they think it makes them special ("I was first in line to see the new Batman!!!!"), but really it doesn't mean anything besides the fact that they're willing to deal with crowds etc in order to gain

If it did it without the app, I'd sooner return to dumbphone days than deal with ads on my phone whenever I walked by a store... Thankfully, that's not the case. I don't see who would download this, as if you're interested in deals you'll find them better by proactively searching...

Yes, it is very intelligent to crowd around a new store that is a) not selling any new, unannounced products and b) going to be there for a while. Wait... no. Most intelligent people have jobs and better things to do than go visit some new store for computers and smartphones, just because it's new and hyped up.

Dog's like WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!

Wow. I'd be lucky to break 8 min/mile and top 5 miles at once. How he does it twice as fast and five times as long is damn impressive.

I've got a wireless dock already... Just plug the phone in it's regular charger or dock and stream. Or I plug it into my massive sound system (I know, meh quality, but until I build my HTPC it's the easiest way to get Spotify...)

You've got some settings screwed up royally then, I've had no issues at all...

I just call it uTorrent... Easier to type and most people would recognize "you-torrent" as uTorrent, but if I said "me-torrent" they'd search meTorrent/mitorrent or something like that. Sometimes it's more convenient to be wrong lol.

+1. I'd consider such people to be Nerd-nazis or "nerdzis" and a little pathetic...

Cashmere sweaters aren't that expensive, and I mentioned his house as an exception. For the scale of money he has, his house isn't even that extravagant - there are several larger, more expensive homes (even though he's #2 in wealth to Mr. Slim, aka owner of Mexico).

That actually makes sense to me, if you aren't an extravagant type person (Bill Gates doesn't seem to be, aside from his tech-laden mansion). He is a very charitable person. A few million makes for a very comfortable life, after that it's just collecting money & things.

Aww fanks. You all are a pretty good hat, even though the syrup and moose drool gets all in my hair...

I thought I bricked my phone once - got horrified. Didn't boot to recovery or bootloop, nothing - just a blank screen (could tell the backlight was on, but nothing else). I recovered it by pulling the battery and then putting it in bootloader and SBF'd it. Not sure why bootloader worked, but it did and that's all

I had attempted to edit the original comment to clarify... apparently it didn't stick. I made the second comment in anger and tried to "delete" it, but apparently editing the comment and replacing everything with spaces didn't work either. Sorry...

I do, fucktard. I was arguing that this patent was far too generic/broad and shouldn't have been granted. Therefore, the patent system needs reform to keep such generic patents from being granted. Now back to your bridge.

Patent reform severely needed. Do they really think people will confuse an Android phone for a iPhone because you slide a bar to unlock (now it's move a ball out of a circle, but still violates this crap patent if I understand it right)?

The global warming part is easy to prove and understand. The anthropogenic aspect is a little harder to prove. Too many variables and too much data missing...

woo hoo... it's only down ~10 ppi. Seriously, it's missing 10 pixels, good luck picking them out. The iPhone screen only has that one advantage, and it's an academic one. Perhaps the 720P resolution is surprising because that was considered high a few years ago (~2006?). My TV is still only 720P and it's 40"...