
I don't know, but it seems like it to me too. I think they are just iFanbois and think the rest of us are/should be too. I've used all three (Windows, Mac, Linux) and to me Windows is a good compromise between the ultimate customization and power of Linux and the stupid simple, but not very powerful or easily

I'm guessing you used the command f reference so that people would make the market share joke? No other reason, since it'd be strange to assume the teaser uses a mac, given their small market share. I'm sure it's higher at iGizmodo than elsewhere, but I'm guessing not above 50%...

I liked Fallout. I've got the story done and most of the quests, but I can't complete the game - I got stuck by killing both guys in a quest where one asked me to kill the other. Mr. Moneybags in the tower wouldn't give me the money after I killed the zombie-guy (don't remember what they're called) so I killed him

Ya, that line drives me nuts too. Also, some of the lines when he's skinning animals are just twisted... "Let me take your coat, madam" while skinning a bear, for example.

I kinda liked LA Noire for the visuals, but it was way too easy... Run around and hit x on stuff until the music stops, then interrogate some folks. I failed many interrogations (some don't make logical sense - bloody t-shirt isn't proof, since dude said he cut himself shaving, but the amount of blood didn't seem

I thought it was pretty obvious... Son getting revenge for the death of his father isn't exactly an unheard of story line.

They really don't look all that similar, except for the fact that they are rectangular and have screens that make up most of the phone. I suppose you think everyone but eyePhone should make circular phones? Or would you prefer octagons? Do you want 2" of bezel? Buttons along the side of the screen? I don't really

Of course, you do have options... First, google voice. Secondly, email. If you don't have someone's email address you can send an email to a cellphone. For verizon, it's I don't remember at&t's version, but it can be looked up. Just add that as am alternate email address for each contact. They

Sam Fisher approves.

lol. Good idea, $200 (?) solution vs. the $10k version being pitched here...

Anything that the pilot could do by wiggling the flight stick would also have the same effect on any stewardesses or passengers that were also up. Just fyi. I'd simply keep the cockpit door bolted shut from before the passengers can board until after they have begun exiting the plane after landing. ("un-boarding?")

Me too! Everything "loads" but then I have to wait 7-8 seconds for the site to finish before it becomes responsive... Other sites are done loading and responsive in 1-3 seconds...

Pakistan should no longer be considered an "ally" and aid dollars should be stopped. This is ridiculous... First they "can't find" Bin Laden, then they protest when we do because we didn't tell them. Whiners. Telling them could have tipped off OBL; even if Pakistan's government were on the up and up, a single

Including these guys? Say something! WHAT?! Heelloooooooo!


"People riding motorcycles between lanes of cars during a jam "

I'm 24 and drive an '06 M3 and it's very easy around town. I've only had a close call once and was able to recover - accelerated too fast around a bend and started to slide out. I corrected and saved it, but for a second I thought I was gone. Just leave the DSC on and you'll be fine. Just get a PPI and check for

For me, the first 3 are Lady Gaga and the 4th is the wiki article. I don't like Gaga and rarely use youtube...

Mine would be more like 550 lbs with contents & 275 lbs/person. It's full of rifles, pistols and papers... Old WWII rifles are heavy :) Plus, it's in a hard location to get it out. I'd bolt it down, but I live in an apartment and can't. It's in the attached garage, under an awning and without a dolly it's