
Nah, the sharks would mistake her for an Orca more than a seal. And everyone knows Orca sometimes hunt sharks, even Great Whites.

He's 19. I doubt he owns the house - his parents will probably be ther ;)

That's a big downside to the XKCD suggestion. My stuff is in a safe that weighs 450 lbs and is 1.5" thick steel. Good luck getting into it within a couple hours :)

Some of their suggestions seem like a very good way to lose the cash/items. Like in the kids' toybox (for one, what about people without kids?) since the kids might find it and decide to make it one of their toys too. Kids are notorious for losing/breaking toys :) Vacuum bag? it'll get thrown away. PVC pipe MIGHT

I'm moving to Switzerland now. Just got to learn Swiss-German.

What about a bar owner and a customer that also owned a bar, but had to buy 26% of their beer from you. Meanwhile, they represent 5% of your sales - but, they run around the bar accusing you and many of the other customers (who, strangely, are also bar owners) of copying them by selling draught beer. They won't stop

I've been in a line exiting a parking garage once and no joke, some jerk drives alongside the line going the wrong way trying to pass us all. Meanwhile, his passengers are giving everyone the bird. Classy... that's what you get when you mix inbreds with gang bangers.

I'm sure it does. They wouldn't ram me, I hope, since my car is tiny and they'd probably end up going over me rather than pushing me to the side. And then I'd be crushed - soft tops don't protect much :( Of course, I wouldn't be giving them the chance to. I wouldn't be driving on the shoulder and if it were in

"This is the defense policy equivalent of making your profile picture a photo of you receiving fellatio from your new girlfriend and printing out 5,000 copies and FedExing them to your ex-girlfriend's house. And then setting off an air horn."

I use my credit card for everything. The catch is, I think of it just like cash - I know how much I will have at the end of the month and I keep track of my spending. Have never carried a balance or paid interest on the credit card. I find it much easier to track spending that way than keeping all my receipts and

I'm not a particle physicist and I find it annoying...

*cue Timon voice* Hyenas. I hate hyenas.

Demographics of the user base are people with more money, which is correlated with higher intelligence. If everyone had infinite money, the correlation between Apple and intelligence would probably disappear. Since PCs are far cheaper, the less educated/intelligent who need a PC but are extremely price conscious go

Yet another brainless Windows attack. I've run Windows on 5 laptops and desktops over the last 10 years and have yet to get a virus or spyware. Basic common sense and proactiveness will almost guarantee you won't get a virus.

You know that it's not "virtual value," right? Technically, buying stocks is buying a % share in ownership of the company. Usually on the order of 0.000000000001% or so, but still. If you could buy 51% of the shares, you'd have majority ownership and therefore control. (not going to happen - the owner would have to

One strategy I've heard is to go in it for the long haul - don't even look or track the stocks until a while before you're planning on cashing out. Of course, I don't invest in the stock market - too much like gambling for my tastes right now. It'd be different if I had piles of cash...

Then you will just eat two bowls :P

Now you're not. Thanks bunches.

I did that, but it ended up blocking a lot of pics on Facebook. Everything works if Adblock is disabled... I think it's a ploy to get us to not block their ads :P (I have them on whitelist anyway, at least as long as I can stand the ads...)