
It still amazes me that something that was barely a dream 30 years ago is now considered an essential utility.

I prefer somewhere that's 70s-80s year round :) For example, USVI is 89 right now. Too bad jobs suck in USVI....

Not at all. Facebook doesn't offer anything that I can't get elsewhere. Calling is faster and more personal, email is just as simple as sending a message on FB, chat can be done in any client or via text messaging/gtalk/bbm. FB is good for sharing pics and what's happening in your life with multiple people, but I

Oh Mazda 3... Good car, but the shit eating grin wards me away from recommending it. It looks like a mental patient on speed...

Seriously? Are the included plastic caps really less functional? Give me 5 reasons why anyone would buy one of these... All they keep out is dust, dirt, etc...

Agreed. It also is useless if you have a few sockets that you need that it doesn't have - for example, I have a 46mm 1/2" drive socket that I need for motorcycle maintenance (Triumph wheel nut). Along with it, I have a big-ass torque wrench, but I could use a regular ratcheting wrench with the 46mm socket for other

I've had a pretty frustrating experience with my motorcycle not being detected, though this law wouldn't help here.

I'd gladly trade you... I swear I'm gonna melt

I could do the same with most Android phones, though I might need to use the extended battery cover w/ standard battery on my DX. It's actually harder with the iPhone. Why is the article focused on iPhone then? Oh ya, hits + iFanboyism. 0.o. Neutral/non-biased way would be to scratch iPhone and use smartphone

What the heck?? I don't even understand... I'd think you'd have to watch netflix 24/7 since February to rack up 5TB of usage.... Or are you pulling our legs with a photoshop job here?

DX on Verizon, unlimited plan still. My average is 1.5-2 gb/mo, but I've used as much as 5gb and as little as 500mb or so. I'm always on my phone browsing or looking for something or streaming music, watching netflix, etc. Also upload titanium backups to dropbox via 3G on occasion. I pay for it, so I use it :)

Then you have to account for how many didn't bother looking it up and didn't know the word. I don't see why some words are in the list, for example "misdemeanor" or "blasphemy" but some I've never heard used and are obviously obscure.

If so few people use the words that most of the population, even in an "educated" area like NY, don't know the meaning of them, they are irrelevant. They are useless for their primary purpose (communication) because they don't get the job done. If most/all readers have to look up the definition for a word, excluding

I have enough money for gas and as much beer as I care to drink. I'm guessing the hookers is a joke, at least I hope it is. Since this is supposedly an auto enthusiat site, I'd think that how much fun the car is to drive would be a factor. Being practical and saving money to intoxicate yourself and treat women like

To an extent... A prius is too slow for that even. 0-60 in 10 seconds is just too slow. And the suspension is crap, so turns aren't as much fun... 0-60 in 7 or less qualifies for slow but still fun when pushed, need 0-60 in less than 5 to be fast. I had an old benz that was as slow as a prius and it wasn't "fun" to

Horsepower makes a car fast, ie fun. Mpg means a car is usually slow, ie boring. Not too hard to understand. Unless fast = boring and slow = fun for you...

The M3 was chasing the prius. It got better mpg because it barely exerted itself while the prius was getting flogged. Point: prius is slow, but mpg depends on how you drive it.

But you can read about them on consumer reports. They're about as interesting as an article on which diapers are best for babies, which would also be useful for minivans' target demographic. Useful, yes. Interesting, hell no.

I prefer hoonage and fast cars to the 'thrill' of mpg - "omg my car can travel 59.85 miles utilizing 1 gallon of gasoline! *shifts glasses*" How is it exciting? Plus, to get good mpg #s they usually need to drive like grandmas, but for some reason always get lost and find themselves in the left and middle lanes...

And my point is, if they fail to detect the part of the equation that they can possibly detect, they aren't doing a good job. Unless they've come up with intention detecting devices I'm not aware of...