
Huh? Unless you can read minds for intent, finding the guns would be the only way to prevent an attack. Just because the people that got through with the guns didn't intend to use them doesn't mean that they would have failed if they did have intent.

Precisely. Which is why I added the headers to my blacklist.

While the events in Oslo were truly tragic, guns were not responsible. Responsible, harmless gun owners outnumber the crazies 10m to 1. Also, he used a full auto gun, not a handgun. Pretty sure those are illegal in Norway anyway. (ie banning guns wouldn't help, as the gun used was already banned). Blame the person,

I'm a firm believer in the fact that climate shifts over time as well. It makes much more sense that it would "oscillate" between hot and cold than stay the same... Do we fully understand the ins and outs of the climate? Our effect on climate? Not sure. I'd only attribute a small fraction of the change to human

Humanity disgusts me. Libya, Oslo, now this... Come on people, we need to evolve beyond this incredible stupidity.

No! Anyone but Apple... I don't want to be locked out of using it unless I buy an iThingy and an Apple TV. Please, someone who doesn't have a vested interest in locking it down to their ecosystem. Google is much better about letting their services work on quasi-competitors' devices. IE Apple still gets a version of

hehe. I have stepped up to a DX now. I had a Blackberry Storm (yech) up until recently, which was 3.5" (I think, don't remember exactly).

No longer in college ;) Was true when I was a college kid...

I'm one of the 1/5... I never got the appeal... In person, of course, but I don't get turned on by reading a txt or anything on a little 3.5" screen...

I'm still sticking with Netflix :) Their DVD service still rocks and streaming is ok, but the drawbacks are largely not their fault - it's the studios. Therefore, if I can't stream something because of the studios, I'll either wait for the DVD or pirate it instead if I really want to get it fast. Screw the

Now playing

It's been updated to work with several now. It's working on my Xoom, no hacks :) (Video is my Xoom, crappy vid thanks to DX...)

Tracking sales for a small business is one possibility. For example, a man I knew built Kentucky longrifles by hand. Sold them for $2-3k each, but was 65 yrs old and had no need for the internet. He was an old fashioned type guy, but tracking stuff on a computer made things easier. Just excel, nothing fancy.

100% with you here. 350Z fo sho.

Oh hehe... I misunderstood that statement. I'm of course against mistreatment, but I thought you were referring to benefits (healthcare, etc).

Welcome to life. People have been making claims about their products that are fraudulent as long as products have been sold. It's actually much better now than before... Advertising is simply a merchant hawking their wares, just very loudly and through a TV rather than yelling at your face. At least TVs can be

RE: Eternal existence of God - same answer can be made for the universe.

A scientific theory is not just a belief, it is "an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena." A theory has evidence behind it and is generally strong. Few if

I'm aware of the watchmaker's argument, but it has significant problems. If the complexity of nature is proof of a creator (God) is not the creator more complex? There's the rub - who created God then? Complex things do not always require a designer; for example, snowflakes. Unless you argue that God individually

And in China, the truck would be upside down. Oh wait... huh?

Try Dallas. I showed up at 6:15AM (it opens at 7) in order to avoid the lines. There were already 10 people ahead of me. It still took 30 min after they opened to get done, and by then there were plenty of people behind me...