
Who ever said the universe has ever been "at rest"? Pre-big bang is unknown. Heck, big bang until recorded history is hard enough to figure out. Some theories have the universe in a constant state of flux - expanding and then contracting, ad infinitum. Never at rest. Point being, there are other possible

Of course, an all knowing, omnipotent and all-good being that still can't keep his chosen people from starving, killing each other, dying of disease, etc. Somehow that can make more sense than big bang + evolution + physics + ...

Or just get a big-ass safe like me. Mine is 1.5" thick steel, fire resistant up to something like 5 hrs and weighs 500 lbs so no need to bolt it down (I can't, apartment dweller...) Good luck getting into it. Its a gun safe, but I keep all my sensitive documents and files in it too.

but that makes no sense... it's a USB port, you supply the cord. If Apple went with industry standards like micro USB it wouldn't be an issue. They don't have the highest market penetration anymore either. While Android is represented by many devices, they almost all use the micro USB port for charging (all of the

Who has less than 10gb of music? Seriously... while I don't need it all at all times, it's nice to have it all when working out or traveling. I exclusively use my iPod in my car for music and with my iPod on shuffle I get more variety than any radio station (who wants to hear Party Rock Anthem 5x/day+?) I could

I'd argue the iPod Classic still has a niche to fill, whereas the iPod Touch is quickly becoming irrelevant since it's an iPhone without the phone. That niche is users with massive amounts of music who utilize the 160GB. 32GB doesn't cut it for me - I have to leave out several GB worth of music... I wouldn't count

You can't push the limits of even a 600 on the street... If you think you have, you don't know the limits. Those bikes are practically MotoGP bikes from the '90s. The track has much better pavement and no SUV-chicanes to bother with, which lets you go beyond what street conditions would, regardless of how daring

I'd strongly suggest NOT trying to do what they do, even on a track. You'd be dead very quick. Or did you miss the part where Casey Stoner said he has been riding since he was 4. FOUR!

I wouldn't pick on advertising so much... It actually works, a fact that can be proven. Name 15 car manufacturers. I guarantee that heavily advertised brands will come to mind a lot quicker than those that aren't advertised. Most consumers won't even know Lotus exists as they go out and buy their P-cars.

that's unacceptable. No one should be required to join a union for any job. If they can't convince the workers that they will help and they should join voluntarily, they shouldn't be there. Forcing new employees to join is just their way to ensure they maintain control.

except they're all overpaid for what they do and firing them is a pita, and part of why GM went bust. If they earned a wage equivalent to their education and skill, it would be different (probably 2/3 of what they're being paid now)

Except, you know, that the Android owners could be telling the truth. Several 4G Android sets do indeed exist (Charge, Thunderbolt, Evo 4G, etc) Many probably are mistaken, but there are 4G Android phones, whereas... not so for Apple folks.

I wouldn't let a mechanic that would take it upon himself to rotate my tires anywhere near my car. They do what I ask, no more. (and I do easy stuff like oil changes, filters, etc myself)

haha. I've been to NYC, LA, San Fran, San Diego, DC, London, Paris, Zurich... many large (or culturally significant, ie tiny Zurich) cities and so far NYC is maybe 5th (DC is last). Too many rude people, particularly with the arrogant attitude that they're better than anyone else. The "you ain't shit if you ain't a

What, all 3 of you? I have a hard time believing there are a significant number of Mac owners who bought Galaxy tabs instead of iPads...

You did :) Just wait until you get into modding, etc if you haven't already rooted. My Droid X hasn't been stock for quite some time now.

Funny, my dad had a Pre and I never really liked it. For a lack of a better word, if felt 'claustrophobic.' Perhaps that's only due to the tiny 3.1" screen... I'm a Droid X lover, bigger is better. Seems like more people like Android than WebOS, looking at sales #s...

I haz a sad... One of my favorite classes @ Vandy was the WWII class, which featured a P-51 flyover. One of the former students' families owned the plane and offered to fly over campus each spring semester for the class. It was sweet, nothing sounds quite like a WWII fighter.

$200k cars parked parallel, cuz they're the only ones that can afford to... Though that's the last place I'd want to park. (I've seen people bump-park there. Literally parking by feel...)

Reason #18,976,458 why I do not want to live in or around NYC. (Can't stand New Yorkers).